Day 091 - 17 Feb 95 - Page 15

     1        I know we did the second one.  Did we get as far as the
     2        third one?
     3        A.  We did femoral head necrosis.
     5   Q.   On to the following page, how often do chickens at Sun
     6        Valley suffer, or what percentage of chickens at Sun Valley
     7        would be suffering from bacterial synovitis arthritis or
     8        osteomyelitis?
     9        A.  The synovitis and arthritis are relatively rare
    10        conditions.  Osteomyelitis that really means a bacterial
    11        infection of the bone marrow.  That can lead to femoral
    12        head necrosis by the extension of the infection from the
    13        bone marrow to the end of bone, so osteomyelitis may be
    14        more common than the other two and in some cases it is part
    15        of the femoral head necrosis.
    17   Q.   So what would be the incidence of osteomyelitis?
    18        A.  It is not something that we measure and, therefore,
    19        I really could not give an answer.  We are doing our own
    20        survey work on farms, which involves collecting birds and
    21        doing routine postmortem examinations of birds that have
    22        been culled for lameness, and also daily mortality to look
    23        for leg problems.  So, that is something that I hope to
    24        gain information on, but I really do not have any figures
    25        for that at the moment.
    27   Q.   I think we have done hockburn.  What is plantar
    28        pododermatitis?
    29        A.  That is ulceration of the feet which we talked about
    30        yesterday.
    32   Q.   What about tenosynovitis?
    33        A.  This is an infectious condition, viral arthritis caused
    34        by a virus.  It is quite common in countries such as
    35        Holland where it is caused by a rear virus.  It is quite
    36        rare in this country.  Some countries routinely vaccinate
    37        for the condition but we do not in the UK.  We see it very
    38        occasionally, that is all.
    40   Q.   When you say "very occasionally", what -----
    41        A.  I have seen it once in the last two years.
    43   Q.   Affecting how many birds?
    44        A.  Affecting in a broiler house, it probably affected
    45        probably about one per cent of the birds.
    47   Q.   Perosis, what is the incidence?
    48        A.  This is a rare condition now.  It used to be seen
    49        slipped tendon as a result of manganese or choline
    50        deficiency, it causes bending of the tibia bone.  We do not 
    51        really see this now at all. 
    53   Q.   Since when?
    54        A.  Well, since the cause of it was recognised and the
    55        correct nutritional factors are put in the ration to avoid
    56        it happening.
    58   Q.   So when was that implemented?
    59        A.  Probably certainly 10 years ago.

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