Day 095 - 02 Mar 95 - Page 07
1 pieces. If that increases, if it is too much pressure that
2 increases the temperature, but again we are talking about
3 very, very low pressures, low temperatures.
5 Q. Then there is, "Overall appearance of plant has improved in
6 both cleanliness and attention to detail".
7 A. In that specific case it is actually -----
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You have not been asked a question yet.
10 A. Oh, sorry.
12 MS. STEEL: If a plant is absolutely fine and is very clean and
13 up to what you consider your standards to be, would the
14 form say so?
15 A. I never seen anybody doing so. We are always looking
16 for improvement. We are never going to reach a point to
17 say: "We are fine; we cannot improve". We are never going
18 to be at that point. There is never enough things that you
19 can do to improve your plant in terms of cleanliness, in
20 terms, in this case, it is attention to detail. He is not
21 talking about the critical things, things about the detail
22 that gives you a motivation to keep everything clean,
23 everything in order. I never seen a report that says: "We
24 are fine; there is nothing else we can do". That is the
25 wrong attitude.
27 Q. So, as long as the supplier is improving on the levels of
28 cleanliness, you would tolerate a situation that you would
29 consider below what you would be aiming for?
30 A. Sorry, I did not understand your question.
32 Q. You have standards that you aim for, where you ask your
33 suppliers to aim for?
34 A. Yes, we do.
36 Q. If the suppliers do not meet those standards, you would not
37 automatically cut them off as suppliers?
38 A. No. What we do, we do not work that way. We have
39 minimum standards, that if they break those, yes, I could
40 probably say there are grounds for dismissal or
41 disapproval. We have those. We do not have in any many
42 ways specifications to determine the exact level of
43 cleanliness for a simple reason, we do not want to regulate
44 things that need to be improved consistently, such as we
45 went through, for instance, the stunning of birds. We do
46 not want to regulate that because once you regulate
47 something, once you put a limit, the supplier, all he has
48 to do, whether or not it is right, is to meet those. We
49 want the suppliers to continually improve. If we put a
50 limit, we put a limit on innovation, we put a limit on
51 technology, we put a limit on new development and
52 improvement. We do not do that. We do have certain
53 minimums that they have to meet, that we expect every
54 supplier to exceed our expectations every single day.
56 Q. Turn over to the second page. This is actually July 1994.
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. Is this a form that would be used on a follow-up visit?
60 A. This is a form that is used to -- we verified our HACCP