Day 095 - 02 Mar 95 - Page 08

     1        systems -- this is a form that when we go and do an audit
     2        we verify all those things and make sure that happens.  If
     3        everything is OK, we give a certification certificate.  If
     4        it does not, then we develop an action plan to make sure
     5        that it will happen.
     7   Q.   Under "corrective action" in the lower part of the form, in
     8        the left hand column, "corrective action"---
     9        A.  Yes
    11   Q.   -- the third one says:  "Were action plans developed and
    12        implemented to prevent a recurrence?"  The answer is:  "All
    13        except freezers and cooker temperatures".  Is that
    14        something that is acceptable then?
    15        A.  I do not know what the -- let me just go back to see
    16        what it was.  No, it is not cooker temperature.  We do not
    17        have cookers for beef patties.  We do not cook our beef
    18        patties.  It says:  "Except for freezers".
    20   Q.   What is it, "cooler temperatures"?
    21        A.  "Cooler temperatures" means that we chill our meat as
    22        low as we can prior to grinding, that is, as long as we can
    23        to zero degrees centigrade.  So, that by the time it goes
    24        to the cooler we do not have to use a lot of C02 that we
    25        use to chill the meat.
    27        That is one of the requirements.  We require the suppliers
    28        to have the thermostat set in the coolers that people
    29        inspecting those, so that we have the right range of
    30        temperature when the product is in the cooler.
    32        The same for the freezers, we require that the freezers be
    33        at minus 18 degrees C, so that we keep the quality of the
    34        patties to our standards which are far better than what the
    35        standard for the industry.  It is the same principle.  It
    36        does not represent a safety, food safety risk in any way,
    37        shape or form.
    39   Q.   But they have not implemented your suggested action plan?
    40        A.  No, it does not say that.  I do not see where it -- no,
    41        maybe, yes, maybe that, yes.
    43   Q.   So would that be something that you would strike off a
    44        supplier for; you would not get supplies from them any
    45        more?
    46        A.  No, no, no.  This is a minimum thing.  I do not know
    47        the details of what is behind this, but we make
    48        recommendations.  We make different types of
    49        recommendations.  We understand that everybody has
    50        priorities.  We understand that there is a need to 
    51        prioritise things.  Those things that have the high 
    52        priority will be food safety, for example.  That is a 
    53        high -----
    55   Q.   Right, freezer and cooler temperature could have
    56        implications for food safety, obviously, could it not?
    57        A.  Yes, it could, but not on this what is described here
    58        under these terms, it does not represent a food safety
    59        hazard.  I cannot speculate on what is behind all of this,
    60        but these are things -- this is well advanced, if I may

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