Day 096 - 03 Mar 95 - Page 03

     1        I tried to describe them to you -- and then the indoor
     2        pigs, they are then put into converted, traditional
     3        buildings.
     5   Q.   Like a barn that was been converted?
     6        A.  A straw yard -- yes, which has been used, obviously, in
     7        various ways in the past.
     9   Q.   The indoor pigs, they are just called indoor kennels, are
    10        they?
    11        A.  Yes, basically, that is what we refer to them as.
    13   Q.   They are in there from 21 days until 30 kilograms; that is
    14        right, is it not?
    15        A.  In that situation, yes, but when they are outside they
    16        are until they are 40 kilograms.
    18   Q.   Yes.  But is that the outdoor pigs that stay there until
    19        they are 40 kilograms?
    20        A.  Correct.
    22   Q.   How old is 30 kilograms, roughly?
    23        A.  About 10 weeks.
    25   Q.   About 10 weeks old?
    26        A.  About nine or 10 weeks.  It can obviously vary from pig
    27        to pig.  I have grown a lot quicker than my brother!
    29   Q.   But what are we talking, sort of, one or two weeks
    30        variation or something?
    31        A.  Yes.
    33   Q.   Can you just describe the setup of these indoor kennels?
    34        A.  I thought I did that when I was here last time, but
    35        I will try to describe it again.
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think you should.  If you think you
    38        have described it last time, let us see, because we cannot
    39        just go over things again.  If you have something which he
    40        said last time which you are not clear about, put it to
    41        him.
    43   MS. STEEL:  No.  That is why I was not sure whether I had done
    44        this part or not.  You see, I thought we had mainly
    45        concentrated on outdoors, to start with, and that it had
    46        been mostly about breeding pigs and food.
    47        A.  I am quite happy to describe it again, sir.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, do quite shortly, and then if Ms. Steel
    50        has something she particularly wants to direct us at, she 
    51        can ask you about it. 
    52        A.  I believe I described the courtroom as a big straw 
    53        yard.  We have the kennels along the side where the weaners
    54        go in, and that is where they go in to sleep and feed and
    55        then there is outside where they can go out to dung, etc.,
    56        in the centre of the straw yard or in the centre of yard.
    57        So, that is quite simple.  And the kennels are both sides
    58        of the yard.
    60   Q.   Roughly, how many kennels would be within a barn that was,

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