Day 096 - 03 Mar 95 - Page 05

     1        A.  Yes, and that is a totally different situation.  I can
     2        assure you.  (1) the sows totally become acclimatised to it
     3        because it is the time they are out there and they have
     4        their own individual nesting huts or the "arcs", what we
     5        call; the weaners, there is a time when they do have to
     6        come inside because they can actually make the ground so
     7        wet in this sort of weather it becomes a problem.
     9   Q.   So the weaners that are in the outdoor system are not
    10        always outside then?
    11        A.  Yes, they are always outside but they have a hut to run
    12        in and out of.
    14   Q.   If the ground gets wet, what, you shut them in the -----
    15        A.  No, no, they still have the opportunity to run in and
    16        out of the hut.  But if you had a bunch of pigs keep
    17        running in and out of that door all day long, and going
    18        through into the passageway to sleep, say, I can assure you
    19        that that passageway here where they run to to go back to
    20        sleep becomes totally muddy and horrible for the pig.  So,
    21        you have to make a decision, so that one makes the decision
    22        that is best for the pig.  There is a time in its life when
    23        it is best to come in to be finished.
    25   Q.   So when you say that there is a time when they have to come
    26        inside because it can make the ground something of a
    27        problem, you are referring only to the time when they come
    28        in for finishing?
    29        A.  Yes.
    31   Q.   It just so happens that the ground always becomes a problem
    32        at about 40 kilograms?
    33        A.  No, because you have a situation there when the pig is
    34         -- as he grows he becomes more heavy, he creates more
    35        damage to the soil and you have the extra volume of pigs
    36        and the extra weight of pigs in the area and it does cause
    37        a problem.
    39   Q.   Is that because as they grow they become far more crowded
    40        together so they are going to cause more -----
    41        A.  No, no.
    43   Q.   Also, as they become heavier they are going to cause more
    44        damage to the ground?
    45        A.  At the end of the day one only has so much space,
    46        right, available, and when you try to plan pig farming
    47        outside, you have specific areas for it.  You have weather
    48        changes -- nature you cannot control -- and on a wet day or
    49        a snowy day it can become intolerable for the pigs at
    50        times.  So, one has to work on the law of averages and thus 
    51        create the best conditions possible that you can in 
    52        producing. 
    54   Q.   But if you kept less pigs then they could have more room
    55        and they would not cause so much problems with the ground?
    56        A.  Well, one can always argue that, but there is also
    57        another thing.  One can argue you could actually try to buy
    58        more land or try to hire more land but, unfortunately, that
    59        is not on nowadays, not with the cut backs that are
    60        occurring in agriculture.

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