Day 096 - 03 Mar 95 - Page 06

     2   Q.   But you could keep less pigs?
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Is it not fairly obvious that if you have
     5        less pigs or you buy more land the business either becomes
     6        unprofitable or becomes less profitable?
     7        A.  Quite obviously, sir, is.
     9   Q.   I have assumed that the balance can be drawn or a line can
    10        be drawn in various places ---
    11        A.  Yes.
    13   Q.   -- depending upon your individual judgment as to the
    14        balance of profitability and what might be seen as the
    15        welfare of the pig.
    16        A.  That is correct, sir.
    18   Q.   You have made your judgment and ended up with your system
    19        as it is?
    20        A.  That is correct, sir.
    22   Q.   It may be that Ms. Steel disagrees and says that the line
    23        should be drawn elsewhere, but that is where you place your
    24        judgment, is it?
    25        A.  Yes.
    27   MS. STEEL:  So it is for reasons of economics that you do not
    28        give the pigs more space?
    29        A.  Our pigs have ample space.  Our farms are approved by
    30        all our major retailers, by MAFF.  We have to concur with
    31        all MAFF regulations, and we were the first company to be
    32        approved by the RSPCA Freedom Food scheme, so I would have
    33        thought probably the area that we give our animals is very
    34        generous.
    36   Q.   Yes, but you did not answer the question.  You could still
    37        give them more space; the reason why you do not give them
    38        more space is for reasons of economics.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You are saying for reason of economics and
    41        you do not think the pig would benefit in any significant
    42        way as well?
    43        A.  The pig would not benefit; if we thought the pig would
    44        benefit and that was economical to do so, it could be done.
    46   MS. STEEL:  The pig would benefit if you continued keeping them
    47        outside?
    48        A.  No, it would not benefit.  I have explained that, the
    49        problems in the marketing side and, you know, the housewife
    50        would not pick up the meat off the shelf -- and that is the 
    51        last thing that we wish to do. 
    53   Q.   But there is not sunburn all the year around?
    54        A.  Pardon?
    56   Q.   There is not sunburn all the year round, as we have said?
    57        A.  No, but if you have a system set up for production, you
    58        cannot change according to the seasons.  You know, I cannot
    59        stop a sow piging, once she is in pig, when she is
    60        pregnant, she has to have her pigs.

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