Day 101 - 10 Mar 95 - Page 11

     1   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can I just say something, because on many
     2        occasions you or Mr. Morris have said: "But you do not
     3        know", particularly, I think, you have said it.  It must
     4        always be, unless McDonald's are going to check every bit
     5        of chicken which comes into the Sun Valley processing plant
     6        and then comes out to a restaurant, something they do not
     7        know.  Unless Mr. Pattison watches every broiler caught,
     8        there will always be something he does not know and so on
     9        with every possible witness.
    11        What I have to look at is whether, in an imperfect world,
    12        what are the standards of the controls?  You have asked
    13        questions about that, and that is really what I have to
    14        direct myself at, unless you are going to say, argue to me
    15        at the end of the day, that there must be a McDonald's
    16        person checking every item of food which goes into every
    17        processing plant and then into every restaurant.
    19   MS. STEEL:   I think the difficulty is that when a witness
    20        says:  "Oh, yes, everything is fine", we feel that if we do
    21        not challenge that by actually explicitly stating:  "Well,
    22        you cannot possibly know that", then that will just be
    23        accepted.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  At the end of this evidence, when it
    26        comes to you addressing me, we are going to have a
    27        multitude of sources of evidence.  The case will have to be
    28        decided, wherever issues of facts arise, on what is more
    29        likely than not on such evidence as is available.
    31   MS. STEEL:   Right, but I do not know, if we had not put
    32        it  -----
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just bear that in mind.  That is all.
    36   MS. STEEL:  Yes.  If we had not put it to the witness, though,
    37        will it not be open to Mr. Rampton at the end to say:  "You
    38        did not put that to the witness".
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think he would dream of doing that.
    42   MR. RAMPTON:  No, my Lord, I would not dream of doing that.  I
    43        have laid out, I hope as fully as possible with some little
    44        bits to come, McDonald's systems of supervision safeguards
    45        to prevent food poisoning, that is to say, to reduce the
    46        risk of food poisoning in their customers to a minimum.
    47        Aside from the two incidents which are known about --
    48        three, if you count the typhoid one -- your Lordship will
    49        say at the end of the day whether or not the risk of a
    50        customer being poisoned by a meal eaten at McDonald's is or 
    51        is not significant. 
    53        That is, with the greatest respect, what the Defendants
    54        should be concentrating on.  They should identify the
    55        stages in the system which they say are fallible or could
    56        be better, and they should put it to this witness which is
    57        why this witness is here.
    59   MS. STEEL:   The five degrees Centigrade temperature that they
    60        work to, is that something that you have asked them to work

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