Day 101 - 10 Mar 95 - Page 33
1 A. The important fact is that the birds do not suffer.
3 Q. Why would you rather they are stunned before slaughter?
4 A. So that there is no chance of any suffering.
6 Q. So, if they are not stunned then there is a chance of
7 suffering?
8 A. There is a possibility I guess, yes.
10 Q. If one per cent of birds were not being stunned before
11 slaughter, would that concern you?
12 A. As long as they were being killed humanely, if they
13 missed the stunning stage of the process, then I am aware
14 that it does happen; birds do miss the stunning bath and
15 they have to be killed humanely.
17 Q. Right. If they are decapitated they take several
18 minutes to die, do they not?
19 A. No, they do not take several minutes to die.
21 Q. Several minutes to brain death?
22 A. That is not my understanding, no.
24 Q. How long would it be acceptable for you -----
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think you have got to put it in a positive
27 way.
29 MS. STEEL: I cannot find the right section. What is your
30 understanding on how long it takes to brain death?
31 A. The birds have both carotid arteries cut which
32 obviously prevents the supply of oxygen to the brain, so I
33 would think that brain death occurs in a matter of seconds.
35 Q. Seconds?
36 A. Yes.
38 Q. If it was more than, say, 30 seconds, would that be
39 something that concerned you?
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am a bit alarmed about the brain death,
42 because that might include brain stem death which, as we
43 all know from various unhappy instances which have a lot of
44 publicity, does not mean there is any sensibility
45 whatsoever.
47 MR. RAMPTON: I really do think that, with this witness, it is
48 quite right to ask him what his attitudes are to various
49 animal welfare questions in a general way. That is
50 entirely right because his department takes an interest on
51 behalf of McDonald's. It is not, perhaps, a useful use of
52 your Lordship's time to question him about matters of brain
53 death, brain stem death, or, indeed, death itself, because
54 these are all highly technical questions. They may be
55 better addressed to Dr. Pattison because he has not dealt
56 with that angle yet.
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think you could put it in another way. You
59 could just suggest to him, although you cannot put your
60 finger on the exact part, you could suggest to him, if a