Day 103 - 14 Mar 95 - Page 16
1 A. An overall.
3 Q. -- water intake?
4 A. Yes.
6 MS. STEEL: So when you get some deaths from Gumboro you presume
7 that more are going to die?
8 A. Yes.
10 Q. Do you then go around the sheds checking for soiled vent
11 feathers and the other things that are listed there?
12 A. No, we do not.
14 Q. You do not? Why is that?
15 A. Well, I cannot see why you should want to do that.
17 Q. To prevent the birds suffering, the ones that are going to
18 die?
19 A. But there is no treatment for the disease.
21 Q. So you just leave them to die on their own?
22 A. They do, yes.
24 Q. You could cull them, could you not?
25 A. But you cannot always see the ones that are going to
26 die because, as I have said, they die very, very quickly.
28 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You mean some get the disease, you might spot
29 the disease but then they might recover?
30 A. Absolutely.
32 MR. MORRIS: We are going to go off at a tangent, well, a
33 relevant tangent for a while. Can we get the French
34 documents? I think they are pink volume VIII, section B.
36 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I do not believe they are, but I may be
37 wrong. I thought we put them behind Dr. Pattison's
38 statement which is in yellow IX. I may be up a gum
39 tree -- no, Mr. Morris is quite right.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, I seem to remember looking at them.
43 MR. RAMPTON: 8B, my Lord, it is.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Turn to tab 8B, please, Dr. Pattison.
47 MR. MORRIS: The first one to look at is the McDonald's weekly
48 report which starts off with raw meat inspection
49 3rd January 1994.
51 MR. RAMPTON: That is 88.
53 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We are in the wrong section then.
55 MR. MORRIS: Sorry, is that tab 8A?
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, it is.
59 MR. MORRIS (To the witness): Do you have that, Dr. Pattison?
60 These documents that have been disclosed, are they typical