Day 110 - 29 Mar 95 - Page 08

     1        which was not a particularly good photocopy.  It was those
     2        that were disclosed.
     4        As the case drew nearer -- we got the deadline for witness
     5        statements and things like that -- I contacted them again
     6        and the person who had got the photographs no longer lived
     7        at the same address.  They could not find the right
     8        photographs that had been sent.  I mean, I could try to
     9        chase it up again but, basically, I think -- I am not sure,
    10        there were photocopies disclosed.  I can try to find them.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  There we are.
    14   MS. STEEL:  We have never had the original photographs nor a
    15        statement of who took them.  The person who sent them was
    16        not the person who took the photographs because they just
    17        collected them in from other people on the demonstration.
    19   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  There is no question of discovery as such
    20        because you do not have in your possession, custody or
    21        power anything to discover.  I merely raise the question
    22        that if the original photographs are available and
    23        obtainable, it may help to see them if they can be got.
    24        I do not propose to say anything more about it than that.
    26   MS. STEEL:  I will try again but I have tried twice.
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Right.  Very well.  Did you want to
    29        ask  ------
    31   MS. STEEL:  Any questions in re-examination?
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    35   MS. STEEL:  Yes, just a couple.
    37                    Re-examined by the Defendants
    39   MS. STEEL:  Did you personally take any photographs on the
    40        demonstration?
    41        A.  No, I did not.
    43   Q.   You were asked about having said in your statement that
    44        several legs looked broken -- had been broken, "the
    45        protruding legs of several birds had been broken", and your
    46        evidence in court of one particular bird.  Did any other
    47        legs that you saw appear as though they might have been
    48        broken?
    49        A.  Well, they were stuck out at strange angles.  I mean,
    50        it is hard for me to say.  All I can say is that there was 
    51        one bird which was right next to me which definitely had a 
    52        broken leg. 
    54   Q.   So you thought that the other ones might well have been
    55        broken?
    56        A.  Well, I assumed they were because they were sticking
    57        out at right angles.
    59   MS. STEEL:  No further questions.

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