Day 117 - 27 Apr 95 - Page 13

     1   Q.   If it worked very well, it would cost the Company a lot of
     2        money, would it not?
     3        A.  I would like to think it does.
     5   Q.   Can we then put away this volume and replace it, please,
     6        with volume XII?  I am going to ask you to have a quick
     7        look at that.  Before I leave that, I am sorry,
     8        Mr. Nicholson, I think it was in 1992 there was introduced,
     9        if you look at page 266 at tab 5 -- I have not found it in
    10        any earlier handbook.
    11        A.  200?
    13   Q.   It is my fault.  I have slipped a year, I am sorry.  At
    14        266, page 266, at the bottom of the page we see for the
    15        first time -- I can assure you I have looked at all the
    16        earlier handbooks -- this is 1992, a couple of paragraphs
    17        headed "Maximum Pay Rate Policy"?
    18        A.  Yes.
    20   Q.   I had better just read it out.  "The above pay increases
    21        may only be awarded until such time as your rate of pay
    22        reaches the maximum applicable to your job title and/or
    23        restaurant location at that time.   Once the maximum rate
    24        of pay is reached, pay increases will only be given if the
    25        maximum rate of pay for your job title and/or restaurant
    26        location has been increased".  Do you know what the reason
    27        was why a maximum pay rate policy was introduced in that
    28        year?
    29        A.  No, I do not.  Mrs. Lyn Mead will be able to answer
    30        that question.
    32   Q.   Lyn Mead will be able to answer that?
    33        A.  Yes.
    35   Q.   Thank you.  So I now go back to where I was.
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  So that overrides everything?  It means that
    38        someone on ----
    39        A.  I believe it means, my Lord, that someone who has
    40        reached the maximum can get no further increases until that
    41        maximum is increased.
    43   Q.   But there are grades of crew members, are there, before you
    44        get on to the management scale?
    45        A.  Yes, there are.
    47   Q.   Would that prevents is someone clocking up so many
    48        increases that they get more than someone at a higher grade
    49         ---
    50        A.  Yes. 
    52   Q.   Who has not got --- 
    53        A.  The increases.
    55   Q.   -- the increases?
    56        A.  Yes.
    58   Q.   Do you know whether that is part of -----
    59        A.  I really cannot say.  That is the reason we have
    60        maximums amongst the salaried staff, so I should imagine,

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