Day 117 - 27 Apr 95 - Page 14
1 but I do not know, that it was introduced for that reason.
3 Q. It is very different to the Police Force in that respect
4 where a Constable can ---
5 A. With over-time.
7 Q. -- yes -- earn more than a Sergeant?
8 A. He can certainly earn more than an Inspector who does
9 not get overtime.
11 Q. Yes. Anyway, that is what happens in McDonald's?
12 A. Yes, that is what happens with the salaried staff, so
13 I should imagine that is the reason it was introduced with
14 the crew.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, thank you.
18 MR. RAMPTON: Can we turn now to volume XII, please, and to
19 tab 25 which is a single page document numbered 625?
20 A. Yes.
22 Q. Here we see what looks like another memo from Sid dated
23 23rd June 1986; is that right?
24 A. That is right.
26 Q. Increases in Minimum Pay Rates; it goes to all crew. Do
27 the crew actually see these notices?
28 A. Oh, yes, they are published.
30 Q. They are put on the notice board or something?
31 A. Yes.
33 Q. "I am pleased to tell you", say you back in 1986, "that
34 minimum rates of pay are being increased with effect from
35 13th June 1986. If, at 13th June 1986, your rate of pay is
36 below the minimum, it will automatically be increased to
37 the new scale. Please see below for new rates". In this
38 year, at least, we have only got the rates for Inner
39 London?
40 A. Yes.
42 Q. Do you know where the others might have gone? You have got
43 Outer London and the provinces but the others you have not?
44 A. Yes, there are three areas of pay; Inner London, Outer
45 London and Provincial.
47 Q. Inner London gets the most?
48 A. Inner London gets the most.
50 Q. Outer London next and the provinces least?
51 A. Yes.
53 Q. Are there any restaurants or cities in the provinces which
54 may, because they are busy places, get something nearer
55 equal to or nearer the London rates?
56 A. Yes, there are. It is left to the discretion of the
57 regional manager, but if he feels that the restaurants in a
58 particular area within his region, and he is paying the
59 lower rate, has particular recruiting problems or something
60 like that, he can go to one of the other two rates. They