Day 128 - 24 May 95 - Page 03
1 A. Most of that initial time was spent working crew
2 stations.
4 Q. Then after four months what was the situation then -- three
5 to four months, sorry?
6 A. After my training period I took my basic Operations
7 course and became a Second Assistant manager, then
8 I progressed from that up to Store Manager over about a 12
9 months period.
11 Q. During that time how often would you be working on the crew
12 stations?
13 A. Certainly every day that I was in the restaurant.
15 Q. What, like half the time, quarter of your time?
16 A. It is difficult to tell. A lot of what I would be
17 doing, particularly when I was in the role of Technical
18 Assistant and Second Assistant and First Assistant Manager
19 would be involved in coaching crew, working side by side
20 with them, working in the kitchen and running that
21 particular area.
23 Q. Showing them what to do?
24 A. Taking them through the operations check list.
26 Q. So you would be standing there with your OCLs in your hand
27 marking them, or whatever?
28 A. Part of my responsibility would have been to complete
29 OCLs on my shift.
31 Q. Right. Then that would stay the same until the two years
32 was up as a Trainee Manager?
33 A. I always spent -- as I say it was three to four months,
34 perhaps 14 weeks, as a Trainee Manager. I spent two years
35 in Operations working in the restaurants.
37 Q. Right.
38 A. By the end of that time I was a Restaurant Manager.
40 Q. Right. How much of that two years would you have spent
41 flipping burgers and things like that?
42 A. Well, as I explained, certainly as a Trainee Manager, a
43 lot of my time was spent working the stations. Less and
44 less, as I progressed up the hierarchy, because my role
45 became more management, leadership, than actually working
46 on the stations myself, but certainly we believed that
47 management should be able to carry out the task just as
48 crew, so some of my time would still have been being spent
49 doing that.
51 Q. The accidents that happened to you while you were -- well
52 actually I do not know whether you called them accidents;
53 you said you had a couple of cuts and burns. Can you just
54 describe how they happened?
55 A. I remember one very well. I was working on a grill and
56 I dropped a quarter pounder patty down the side of the
57 grill into the grease trough. I knew the grill was hot but
58 I put my hand down after. I cannot say I could blame
59 anybody for that than myself.