Day 128 - 24 May 95 - Page 09

     1   Q.   Is it fair to say that the new flooring was brought in as a
     2        result of the frequency of people slipping on the previous
     3        floor?
     4        A.  Both the flooring and the shoes, the slip resistant
     5        shoes that we investigated in 1990 were done as a result of
     6        concern about accidents that we were having, and once we
     7        had identified a flooring that we felt would be suitable
     8        for our kitchens, we then implemented a programme to have
     9        it retrofitted in all the restaurants.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mrs. Barnes, when you answer, although
    12        Ms. Steel is asking you the questions, can you try to speak
    13        out towards Mr. Rampton or Mrs. Brinley-Codd because, as
    14        I have said before, there is a tendency, when Ms. Steel is
    15        asking questions, for the answer to go back towards her,
    16        and I do not always find it easy to hear.
    18   MS. STEEL:  Were there reports prepared into the matter of slips
    19        and falls, in terms of the changing of flooring and
    20        non-slip shoes?
    21        A.  I certainly remember being part of a presentation that
    22        was done for senior management to make a decision on the
    23        way forward.  I certainly -- the information that we put
    24        together for that I have certainly never come across again,
    25        so I really do not know.
    27   Q.   But there was some kind of a report for that?
    28        A.  We put together a presentation for them, which would
    29        have involved written documentation.
    31   Q.   You do not keep files on these kinds of matter then?
    32        A.  Yes, I do keep files, but not everything is kept,
    33        otherwise the files would be enormous.
    35   Q.   You do not think that would be an important enough subject
    36        to keep the papers on?
    37        A.  I really do not know because, as I say, I have not come
    38        across it again.
    40   Q.   Have you looked for it?
    41        A.  Not recently, no.
    43   Q.   Have you been asked to look for it?
    44        A.  No.
    46   Q.   That investigated non-slip shoes as well?
    47        A.  Yes.
    49   Q.   What was the finding on that area?
    50        A.  The problem with the shoes was that initially, yes, 
    51        they gave extra grip, if you like, but they needed to be 
    52        maintained in a good condition to keep that grip, which 
    53        meant it was one extra thing for the crew to do, was to
    54        keep their shoes clean on the bottom, and we did not really
    55        feel that that was fair.  Neither could we find a high
    56        street retailer who would be willing to supply the sort of
    57        shoes we wanted.  Logistically, it just proved not
    58        practical.
    60   Q.   The crew would have been expected to buy those shoes

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