Day 133 - 12 Jun 95 - Page 04

     1   Q.   Can you remember offhand -- I do not want a precise figure
     2        but roughly speaking -- what was the most hours you ever
     3        worked in a week at McDonald's when you were at school?
     4        A.  During holidays I probably worked full-time hours,
     5        something like 35, 36 hours and more like about 13 to 15
     6        hours during term time.
     8   Q.   You said that before McDonald's you had worked I think, did
     9        you say, Safeways?
    10        A.  Yes.
    12   Q.   In what capacity?
    13        A.  Checkout ---
    15   Q.   Till?
    16        A.  -- assistant, yes, working at the till, passing things
    17        through the till.
    19   Q.   Can you remember why it was you decided to leave Safeways
    20        and join McDonald's?
    21        A.  Well, McDonald's was relatively new and it looked quite
    22        different and also it was paying 15p an hour more than
    23        I was earning at Safeways.  That probably somewhat
    24        influenced me as well.
    26   Q.   For how many years did you continue to do part-time work at
    27        McDonald's while you were a student?
    28        A.  For seven years.
    30   Q.   Seven years?
    31        A.  Yes.
    33   Q.   Did, therefore, you work there while you were at university
    34        as well?
    35        A.  I did, yes.  I actually worked there for most of my
    36        year off between school and university as well.
    38   Q.   As well?
    39        A.  Yes.
    41   Q.   The university course was how long?
    42        A.  Four years.
    44   Q.   One of those years since it is languages I suppose was a
    45        year abroad?
    46        A.  Yes, that is right.
    48   Q.   Did you work at McDonald's in Moscow or Paris during that
    49        time?
    50        A.  No, I did not, not in Paris; in Moscow I do not think 
    51        we were open at that point. 
    53   Q.   There was not one then, I think?
    54        A.  No.
    56   Q.   Have you watched the film One Every Mile?
    57        A.  Yes.
    59   Q.   It is our understanding that some part at least of that
    60        film showed scenes in the Croydon restaurant where you

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