Day 133 - 12 Jun 95 - Page 05

     1        worked?
     2        A.  Yes, that is right.
     4   Q.   I think the film post dates your time by a few years.
     5        I think it is some time in the mid-1980s.
     7   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  1987 is what was proposed as a possible time?
     8        A.  Yes.
    10   MR. RAMPTON:  So it would be some time after your time.  Tell
    11        me, as a matter of general impression from looking at that
    12        film, so far as it related to Croydon, was it a fair
    13        picture of what you experienced or was it not?
    14        A.  Well, it certainly was representative of certain things
    15        that happened at McDonald's, yes.  There are plenty of
    16        things that are daily scenes.  I would say that my overall
    17        impression of it was that it tried to present it in quite a
    18        kind of sordid way and just to pick out the more negatives
    19        parts of what happens in a day.
    21   Q.   All those years that you worked part-time as a student at
    22        McDonald's, were they all at Croydon or did you work in
    23        other restaurants?
    24        A.  I worked in other restaurants as well, for example,
    25        Sutton and Streatham.
    27   Q.   Sutton and Streatham?
    28        A.  Yes.
    30   Q.   You said you thought the film was trying to present the
    31        organisation in a negative way, trying to make it appear
    32        sordid.  That is, I think, what you told us.  Does that
    33        chime with your own feelings and impressions of McDonald's
    34        at the time when you were a part-time crew member or not?
    35        A.  No, it does not, and I think the thing is that my
    36        overriding impression of my time then was that it was
    37        enjoyable, and it was working with other people and it was
    38        the kind of buzz of it when it was busy and that part of it
    39        that I think one remembers.
    41   Q.   During those seven years or so as a part-time crew member
    42        sometimes working as much as 35 or more hours a week, how
    43        often did you personally get any kind of an injury?
    44        A.  I do not really remember, but I think I may have had
    45        one or two minor burns during my time there, but
    46        I certainly did not have any substantial injuries that
    47        I can specifically recall.
    49   Q.   Did you work in different parts of restaurant?
    50        A.  Yes, at different times I worked in all the different 
    51        parts of the restaurant, the kitchen, the dining area and 
    52        the till and so on. 
    54   Q.   Was it hard work?
    55        A.  Yes.
    57   Q.   Did you ever have a feeling that you were being under paid
    58        for what you were doing?
    59        A.  No.

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