Day 133 - 12 Jun 95 - Page 06
1 Q. Did you get any pay increases while you were there?
2 A. Yes, I did.
4 Q. Were those performance related pay increases?
5 A. Yes.
7 Q. Did you ever get the top one of 15p?
8 A. Yes, I did. In fact, I think on one occasion I did
9 actually get more than that because I got some kind of
10 extra responsibilities at the same time so, yes, I did.
12 Q. Did other people get the 15p rise?
13 A. Obviously, just talking to other people anecdotally,
14 I am not sure, but I know that plenty of people got 10 or
15 15p at that time. I do know of people who did but I could
16 not say how many.
18 Q. Were you ever promoted during the time that you worked as a
19 part-timer there?
20 A. Yes, I , first of all, had a small promotion to being
21 responsible for a particular part of the production, the
22 wrap and call area, and I worked in that and then I was
23 later made a Floor Manager, which I expect everyone knows.
25 Q. That is a higher rate of basic pay, is it?
26 A. Yes, that is right. It is a basic supervisory
27 position.
29 Q. Did you recognise any of the people in that film?
30 A. Yes, I did quite a lot -- looking somewhat younger, so
31 I expect it was 1987.
33 Q. Are any of those people, so far as you know, still in the
34 organisation?
35 A. Yes, lots of them. In fact, they have all, or many of
36 them, have moved on and moved up in the Company now and
37 hold more senior positions. I saw some people who were
38 working on the grill and so on who are now Managers and
39 Area Managers, and so on, so, yes, quite a lot of them.
41 Q. Could you give us some names?
42 A. Yes. There is one person, and I do not know exactly
43 what his job was at that point, but his name is Paul Shaw
44 and he was working on the grill. He is now a Human
45 Resources Officer reporting to me in my department. There
46 was also someone else called Simon Clements who was either
47 a crew member or a training squad member. He is now a
48 Manager, a Restaurant Manager. There is another one --
49 I will just give one more and then carry on or stop --
50 there is another one called Kowpesh Patel who was a crew
51 member at that time. He is now an Area Supervisor.
53 Q. An area Supervisor?
54 A. Yes.
56 Q. I suppose this answers itself because you repeatedly went
57 back there over your time as a student. When it came to
58 the question: "How am I going to earn some money during
59 the vacation or during time off, or whatever, pocket money,
60 money for clothes", or whatever, I do not know, did you