Day 133 - 12 Jun 95 - Page 07
1 ever have a feeling: "Oh, dear, I do not really want to go
2 back to McDonald's"?
3 A. No. I can honestly say I never did feel that way.
5 Q. They showed during the course of that film what they said
6 was a rap session. Did you notice that part of the film?
7 A. Yes, I did.
9 Q. What did you make of that footage?
10 A. I thought it gave a general picture of how rap sessions
11 go. I think that the only point about it was, it was
12 probably a bit more stilted, I think, because I imagine
13 that people knew it was being filmed and that always makes
14 people feel a bit more reserved, perhaps, but in principle
15 I thought it was representative.
17 Q. As I recall, I have not seen it for a bit, there was quite
18 a lot of sort laughing, giggling, jokes, that kind of
19 thing?
20 A. Yes.
22 Q. Did you notice that?
23 A. Yes.
25 Q. Is that typical or is that unusual?
26 A. That is quite typical, really, yes, people do laugh and
27 joke because someone will make a comment and then if other
28 people think it is amusing or sometimes if they think it is
29 quite apt, they will laugh, I suppose, in sort of
30 appreciation, you know, the way you do.
32 Q. You now have been with the Company in one capacity or
33 another for nigh on 20 years; is that right?
34 A. Yes.
36 Q. With gaps obviously. How many rap sessions have you
37 attended during the course of those 20 years?
38 A. As a crew member, I attended a couple but in my
39 capacity in Human Resources, I do not think I could count
40 them but certainly it would be, you know, 100 or more, you
41 know, many.
43 Q. As a means of understanding what the concerns of the crew
44 are, what value do you think that the rap sessions have?
45 A. Well, I think they are valuable. I think the indicator
46 of that is that then leaving the meeting I think both the
47 person who conducted it and the people who attended it
48 usually feel pretty good about what has just taken place as
49 regards the communication that they have been able to air
50 and the views they have been able to voice.
52 Q. To what extent does the Company or the Manager, or whatever
53 it may be, actually act upon the information, the trends of
54 the information, or whatever, that are gleaned from rap
55 sessions?
56 A. Well, the system that is in place is that following the
57 rap session the action plan is formulated by the management
58 team. Then that is discussed with the staff at a meeting
59 where the Managers go through the details of what has been
60 discussed then say what they are going to do in response.