Day 133 - 12 Jun 95 - Page 08

     2   Q.   Do you ever get rap sessions which are what I might call,
     3        perhaps, a bit stormy or uncomfortable for the Managers?
     4        A.  Yes, yes, there are times when if adverse comments are
     5        made about things to do with your restaurant or about the
     6        managers themselves and their management style, that
     7        obviously does happen.
     9   Q.   Does management take that kind of complaint, if I can call
    10        it that, seriously?
    11        A.  Yes, I think that for every Manager or person hearing
    12        criticism, people will deal with it differently, and
    13        obviously some deal with it more positively initially than
    14        others.   But, yes, it is taken quite seriously.  If it
    15        does involve the Restaurant Manager, that is when the Area
    16        Supervisor needs to become involved and the Human Resources
    17        Officer would discuss it with them so that they would
    18        agreed what was needed.  For example, training of the
    19        Manager or whatever.
    21   Q.   I think you went to McDonald's full-time when you left
    22        university?
    23        A.  Yes.
    25   Q.   You give us, I think, a date of July 1983?
    26        A.  Yes.
    28   Q.   You went in at that stage as a Trainee Manager?
    29        A.  In July 1983 I was actually a Floor Manager.  I had
    30        just graduated.  I became salaried in October 1983.
    32   Q.   How long, sorry?
    33        A.  In October 1983 I became salaried so it was just for a
    34        few months while I was ------
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Did McDonald's take its graduate intake in
    37        October, by and large?
    38        A.  No, it is an on-going recruitment programme.  It was
    39        because of personal reasons that I did not start until
    40        October.
    42   Q.   Yes, very well.
    44   MR. RAMPTON:  Where did you start out as a salaried employee as
    45        opposed to an hourly paid one?
    46        A.  Where?
    48   Q.   Yes, where?
    49        A.  I started as a salaried person in Penge, South East
    50        London. 
    52   Q.   How long was it that you remained as a salaried Operations 
    53        person in the restaurants before you joined the Personnel
    54        Department?
    55        A.  About 18 months.  I joined in about June 1985.
    57   Q.   I think you said you also worked at Streatham?
    58        A.  Yes.
    60   Q.   At Penge, as it were, at this point in your history.  What

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