Day 134 - 13 Jun 95 - Page 02
1 Tuesday, 13th June, 1995.
3 MS. MEAD, recalled.
4 Examined by the Court
6 MS. STEEL: I do not know whether it might be worth finding out
7 about what result of any enquires.
9 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, my Lord. Ms. Mead has made all the
10 aappropriate enquiries. She can give the answers to your
11 Lordship's questions raised at the end of yesterday's
12 hearing.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is entirely up to you. You can pursue it
15 in cross-examination or, if you like, I will try to help by
16 just asking about some of the things, but the matter I was,
17 I will not say most concerned, but which was really raised
18 on my initiative was firstly G1. (To the witness):
19 Do you have that there? It is behind your statement at
20 tab 11.
21 A. I know it is the one about the New Earnings Survey.
22 Yes, I have it.
24 Q. It is titled New Earnings Survey April 1987. What did the
25 "April 1987" refer to?
26 A. Right. It actually referred to a survey which was
27 conducted at a point in time which was, I think, from
28 recollection, 8th of April 87, so it was actually for pay
29 at that point. That was the date taken in the survey so it
30 was not, in fact, the publication date which was later.
32 Q. I cannot remember whether I asked you to check that, but
33 were the figures from which it started, the weekly rate,
34 divided by a number of hours to get the hourly rate?
35 A. Yes, they were. I have not reviewed the table myself
36 because I only had it this morning, but I spoke to the
37 person who conducted it and she was certain that what she
38 did was to take the weekly rate and to divide it, because
39 we do not think that -- obviously, it is quite a lengthy
40 document and going back to it, but we are certain that that
41 is the way we did it, to take the weekly rate and we do not
42 believe that the hourly rate is provided in the document.
44 Q. Whereas I think you told me yesterday that McDonald's was
45 the hourly rate and then multiplied by 39?
46 A. That is right.
48 Q. You have no reason to change that, subject to any
49 cross-examination about it?
50 A. No, that is what she did to make the two figures, sets
51 of figures, comparable.
53 Q. Then if you turn to G2 in the last sheet before H begins?
54 A. Yes.
56 Q. There was the material or relevant date for the figures
57 which are given for starting rates of pay in other
58 businesses?
59 A. Yes, that is as at around November 1992.