Day 136 - 16 Jun 95 - Page 05

     1        Defendants and your Lordship can look at them, can I ask
     2        you this:  Is the Company still using Altro in its kitchen
     3        non-slip flooring programme?
     4        A.  No, we are not.
     6   Q.   What is the reason why you are not using Altro any more?
     7        A.  We found that there was slight problems in laying it in
     8        that some of the edges curled up.
    10   Q.   What are you using now?
    11        A.  We are using a ceramic tile called Swedecor non-slip.
    13   Q.   Swedecor?
    14        A.  Swedecor non-slip tile.
    16   Q.   As between the cost ------
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  How do you spell that?
    19        A.  S-W-E-D-E-C-O-R.
    21   MR. RAMPTON:  Is that a Swedish product?
    22        A.  Yes.
    24   Q.   As between the cost of laying Swedecor non-slip tiles and
    25        the cost of laying Altro non-slip flooring -- I should ask
    26        you this, does Altro come in a roll rather than in tiles?
    27        A.  Yes, it does.
    29   Q.   Which, so far as the Company is concerned, both in terms of
    30        cost of material and in terms of laying is the more
    31        expensive, Altro or Swedecor?
    32        A.  Swedecor.
    34   Q.   Roughly speaking, what is the difference per square metre
    35        between Altro on the one hand and Swedecor tiles on the
    36        other hand?
    37        A.  It is approximately £17.
    39   Q.   £17 per square metre?
    40        A.  Yes.
    42   Q.   May I now pass up these samples?  I am afraid what I must
    43        ask you to do, Mr. Brown, is to hold them up in turn and
    44        tell us what each of them is.  Then what I will ask
    45        Mr. Riley to do is pass them around after you have told
    46        us -- they are in no order because I do not know what they
    47        are -- pass them round in turn.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest is if they go from the witness
    50        box to Ms. Steel and Mr. Morris and then I will have a look 
    51        at them.  What have you got first, Altro?  Do you have 
    52        there the one which was in the store before Altro was 
    53        fitted?
    54        A.  I do not have the exact one.
    56   Q.   The 1988 one?
    57        A.  I do not have the exact one, sir, but I do have a
    58        similar tile which has the non-slip properties that we
    59        would have used.

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