Day 148 - 05 Jul 95 - Page 30
1 MS. STEEL: I do not think it makes much difference.
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you call them "enquiry agents" then there
4 is no fuss at all. For the avoidance of any doubt, do you
5 actually have the dates of the meetings and place of the
6 meetings listed?
8 MS. STEEL: Yes.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Read those out then.
12 MS. STEEL: The meetings attended by Roy Pocklington.
14 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, we need not go on with this. The
15 statements which we have recently served and which identify
16 relevant meetings, if and in so far as there are notes
17 which are relevant to those meetings, they will be
18 disclosed. So far as they are relevant and not
19 privileged. There is a large extent to which they are not
20 privileged, I anticipate, and, therefore, there will be
21 some discovered.
23 MS. STEEL: If Mr. Rampton does not want me to read out the
24 dates -- I was just trying to be helpful.
26 MR. RAMPTON: I know which the dates are because they are in the
27 statement.
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It was only if there was going to be any
30 dispute about it that one needed the dates.
32 MS. STEEL: I think that is it then on documents.
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We will adjourn now and resume at 2 o'clock.
36 (Luncheon adjournment)
38 MS. STEEL: I think we were just going to raise a couple of
39 things in relation to discovery. Then we wanted to ask
40 whether the Plaintiffs could state their position on the
41 items that we have requested discovery on because some of
42 them, obviously the employment ones, are -- the sooner we
43 get the documents the better. So if that could be ---
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, I would like you to ---
47 MS. STEEL: -- be sorted out.
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: -- answer Mr. Rampton's as well and then
50 I will hear Mr. Rampton. The argument should finish
51 tomorrow. I probably will not give my ruling straightaway
52 in any event.
54 MS. STEEL: On all the things that are outstanding because that
55 may take quite a long time?
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, the matters which Mr. Rampton and
58 Mr. Atkinson addressed me on the day before yesterday.
60 MS. STEEL: But you want us to answer all of them?