Day 150 - 07 Jul 95 - Page 16

     1        A.  As opposed to the London rate, yes.
     3   Q.   As opposed to Inner or Outer London?
     4        A.  That is correct, yes.
     6   Q.   For example, at Leicester when you were Store Manager or
     7        at, say, Colchester, what percentage of the store, roughly
     8        speaking, at any one time were on the starting rate?
     9        A.  Well, given the fact that they would have received a
    10        pay review within four months of starting, then I would
    11        have thought somewhere in the region of about 10 per cent.
    12        10 per cent, that probably sounds about right, on a payroll
    13        of 100, maybe 10 or so, yes.
    15   Q.   We will stick with Colchester as an example.  Was the
    16        starting rate, to your knowledge, reviewed from time to
    17        time?
    18        A.  It would be reviewed annually, certainly.
    20   Q.   I mean -- sorry, that is a bad question on my part.  There
    21        is the general annual review?
    22        A.  Yes.
    24   Q.   At Company top level?
    25        A.  Right.
    27   Q.   But, in relation to each crew member at Colchester, was a
    28        performance review done in relation to them to determine
    29        any pay increase?
    30        A.  Yes.  We have changed it now but, if I recall, at that
    31        stage we held the review every two months and then,
    32        basically, every other review, so every four months that
    33        review would be a pay review.  Again, one of my
    34        responsibilities as a Supervisor was to ensure that the
    35        reviews were, I suppose, firstly, carried out and,
    36        secondly, the quality, in this case the written quality,
    37        obviously, was of a standard that looked like it had taken
    38        people time and thought had gone into it.  Then we would
    39        also have something that was called a "raise chart" that
    40        I could then have a look at to monitor the reviews that
    41        went on in the system.
    43   Q.   It was related to performance, was it?
    44        A.  Yes, absolutely.  That was to sort of make sure that
    45        the comments that were made on those reviews or, I should
    46        say, the pay rewards were backed up by those comments.  So,
    47        if somebody got an excellent pay award that was reflected
    48        in the comments and obviously vice versa.
    50   Q.   So, I mean, if it were to be said to you, well, the people 
    51        who got the pay increases, and I assume that in your time 
    52        you are saying there were these pay increases awarded, 
    53        generally speaking, that the system actually worked in
    54        practice?
    55        A.  It did and it does, absolutely.
    57   Q.   So, assuming that to be the case, if someone were to say to
    58        you:  "Well, the ones who got the pay increases were the
    59        toadies and the creepers and the ones who did what they
    60        were told, whether they did the work well or they did not

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