Day 150 - 07 Jul 95 - Page 18

     1        your effort in helping out.  I am pleased to be able to",
     2        and then generally Mark Davies or whoever the Restaurant
     3        Manager was would enter that on to the payroll as a lump
     4        sum.
     6   Q.   What sort of figures are we talking about?
     7        A.  £20.
     9   MR. ATKINSON:  If we can turn to the topic of the rate of pay
    10        that people get on if they return to a store having left
    11        it?
    12        A.  Right.
    14   Q.   Can you explain what the present arrangements are in
    15        relation to that?
    16        A.  Basically, if somebody comes back having worked
    17        previously for that same restaurant, their file would be
    18        there, their outgoing, as you can call it, perhaps pay rate
    19        would be there and, generally, they are coming back and in
    20        recognition of that fact they would start back on to the
    21        rate that they left.
    23   Q.   How would you know what their previous rate had been?  Say
    24        they are coming back to the same store?
    25        A.  Well, as a Restaurant Manager in Leicester, for
    26        example, I would have their previous file there.  Their
    27        file would be held by the restaurant.  I would probably
    28        know that person anyway, given the fact that I knew
    29        everybody in the restaurant, and we would just go back to
    30        their file because we would have to record their outgoing
    31        rates anyway, or pay increases and so on and so forth, so
    32        that I would know what rate that particular person was on.
    34   Q.   What if they decided they had enjoyed working in one store,
    35        but maybe they had moved with -- say, a woman working
    36        part-time and her husband moves to another job so she goes
    37        and works at another store ---
    38        A.  Right.
    40   Q.   -- for McDonald's in another part of the country, then what
    41        happens if she wants to start there?  How is one able to
    42        say what she was earning previously at the first store?
    43        A.  The same sort of thing has happened to me, probably not
    44        those specific circumstances, but Leicester, for example,
    45        I would have guys from the University and the Polytechnic
    46        who in term time were obviously in Leicester but maybe
    47        based in Birmingham, Scotland, wherever, out of term time.
    49        If they were working there, all I would need to do is pick
    50        up the phone to the store because we would ask 
    51        specifically:  "Have you worked in McDonald's before and at 
    52        what time and where?" obviously, and phone the Manager up 
    53        and ask.  Generally, what we would do is say to the crew
    54        member concerned:  "Next time you are home bring your file
    55        back down with you.  Take it backwards and forwards".
    57        Therefore, in my case then as a Supervisor, there is a
    58        current record of what is going on and that would be
    59        reflected with their current pay rate as well.

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