Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 09

     1        do not think there is a disproportionate amount of time for
     2        a busy restaurant as opposed to a quiet one necessarily.
     4   Q.   So if a Supervisor had four stores, say, for example?
     5        A.  Yes.
     7   Q.   What would they do?  Would they go one day in your area --
     8        we know it is five to six stores, but let us say they had
     9        four stores -- would they spend a day in each store and a
    10        day on administration or something like that, or would they
    11        spend half a day in each store?
    12        A.  No, it would depend upon their requirements in the
    13        restaurant.  All things being perfect, then perhaps you
    14        could keep it to one day a week per restaurant with four
    15        restaurants.  But it is my experience that there is a whole
    16        difference -- there is a sort of plethora of opportunities,
    17        whether or not it is a new Manager coming into a busy
    18        restaurant, an old manager in an experienced restaurant
    19        would require less supervision, so to speak, than a new
    20        Manager will.  So I try and make my Supervisors go to the
    21        stores where they can have the best and most beneficial
    22        input rather than just go one day a week.
    24   Q.   So they might average one day a week over, say, four
    25        stores, but then they might actually spend a day and a half
    26        in one store and half a day in another?
    27        A.  That is fair to say, yes.
    29   Q.   But what would be the jobs they would have to do,
    30        absolutely have to do, even if they went for half a day to
    31        a store?
    32        A.  Today?  Their responsibilities today you are talking
    33        about?
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can we start, first of all, would it be
    36        absolutely essential that they visited each of their stores
    37        at least once in a week, or could they decide to spend the
    38        whole day in one week rather than in a fortnight, one the
    39        whole day in a fortnight rather than two half days a week?
    40        A.  I do not think it would be essential they go there once
    41        a week if the Restaurant Manager was coping well enough.
    42        But once a fortnight then, if he was doing a good enough
    43        job, would seem reasonable.
    45   Q.   Is it very much left to the Area Supervisor what time he
    46        spends?  I thought the whole point of supervision was you
    47        supervised according to what you thought was important, but
    48        are the rules as to when you should go and just what you
    49        should supervise or is it down to the Supervisor?
    50        A.  It is very much down to the Supervisor, but the 
    51        guidelines I would give, perhaps, if I was telling you as a 
    52        new Supervisor, would be spend Sundays in terms of looking 
    53        at those shift patterns.  You will see that 2 o'clock gets
    54        very busy.  So 2.00 till 10 o'clock on the Sunday is a
    55        shift to work; do a proportion of evening shifts and do
    56        some proportion of closes and opens, but do not limit
    57        yourself to 9.00 to 5.00 in every visit you go to.  But how
    58        that Supervisor decides which night shift and which
    59        restaurant they go to is very much up to them and how they
    60        perceive is going to be a benefit to the store.  But there

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