Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 15
1 eight people? Do I look for eight full-timers throughout
2 that Monday to Friday period or do I look for returning
3 students, for example?" So, in effect, I could be having,
4 as you have already observed, I would have part-timers
5 coming back, working Monday to Friday but, in effect,
6 because it is a holiday period, they are probably doing 39
7 hours.
9 So all I will need to do is look to where I am and where do
10 I want to be and how can I get there in terms of I do not
11 want to take on full-timers as such.
13 Q. I understand the sense of this, but at the moment what I am
14 completely failing to understand -- if it is important it
15 has to be explained to me; it does not matter whether you
16 do it ---
17 A. No, OK, I appreciate that.
19 Q. -- or someone else does it -- is how you actually go from
20 all those things which I can understand is sensible to
21 saying, "Therefore, we should have at least 25 full-timers
22 on our staff" or, "You should have at least 50 part-timers
23 and 25 full-timers on our staff"?
24 A. Let me explain how I did it as a Manager in Leicester.
25 If, for example, I did need these 20 people 12.00 till 2.00
26 on a Monday to Friday -- this is for Christmas -- that is
27 telling me I need eight additional staff in very pure
28 simplest terms.
30 MR. MORRIS: I think I can help. Maybe -----
31 A. Well, if I can be allowed to continue -----
33 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let him finish his answer and then you can
34 ask.
35 A. If I need these eight additional people, Monday to
36 Friday, I then need to determine from where I get them. Do
37 I go outside to a Job Centre and hire them on a full-time
38 position, knowing that the Christmas period is only going
39 to be two to three weeks, or do I go back to my previous
40 files, or what generally happens is students returning
41 either from university coming back to Leicester, if that is
42 where their home was, would perhaps come to me in the
43 previous summer or the previous few months prior to
44 Christmas and offer themselves for work.
46 So all I will really need to do is find out how do I get
47 those extra eight? Do I need to recruit or do I need to
48 simply take on some additional part-time business coming
49 back from university or, perhaps, I can look at the
50 Saturday and Sunday staff.
52 Q. I am quite happy with this. If you look at past
53 experience, or if you just use your intuition, like you
54 suck your finger and stick it in the air and it tells you
55 which way the wind is blowing, that I am happy with. But
56 I thought you were trying to say that there was some kind
57 of rule of thumb which would take you to how many, some
58 formula which you could apply to your requirements which
59 would spill out a figure for full-time and a figure for
60 part-time?