Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 14
1 where we were in terms of the payroll. So if he had, for
2 example, 24, that suggests two more full-timers are
3 required and if he had 50, perhaps two more part-timers.
4 But, of course, with the sort of vagaries of people's own
5 availability ----
7 Q. I am sure all this is entirely obvious to you, but I
8 just do not follow the logic of it at all. If it is
9 important, then perhaps you would explain it, whether it is
10 by way of re-examination or now. I do not see why, for a
11 start, how you go from needing a maximum of 12 at any one
12 time, Monday to Thursday, 14 at any one time on Friday, 25
13 at any one time on Saturday and 15 at any one time on
14 Sunday.
15 A. Right.
17 Q. You go to a certain minimum of full-time workers?
18 A. Right. The difference is on the 12 and the 14 and the
19 25 that you have just mentioned is I would require, let us
20 say, 12 people to carry out the business of a Monday to
21 Thursday lunch-time.
23 Q. Yes, but they do not have to be full-timers?
24 A. Not necessarily so. That is right, sir. On a Friday
25 it is busier than a week day, Monday to Thursday, and it is
26 my experience perhaps an additional two people depending
27 upon the business.
29 Q. Yes, you have explained 14 but they do not have to be
30 full-time either?
31 A. Absolutely not.
33 Q. In fact, five days a week you told me you had people
34 working 10.00 to 2.00 only ---
35 A. Absolutely, sir. So what I would then, just to finish
36 the clarification ------
38 Q. -- they would get no work at all if they were all
39 full-timers?
40 A. That is in terms of when I said taking it to first base
41 and looking at our requirements, I would then say in a very
42 simplistic way the full-timers only do Monday to Friday,
43 that part-timers only do a Saturday and Sunday. That gives
44 me a 26 and 50 or 60, depending on how the numbers vary on
45 the weekend. I would then match that with what the
46 restaurant actually had in terms of its availability,
47 because unless I was going into a brand new restaurant
48 I would obviously be looking at my hiring requirements from
49 an ongoing situation with people already on the payroll.
51 Q. I understand that, but how do you go from those figures to
52 saying: "We must have at least so many full-timers on the
53 payroll"?
54 A. I would then say -- let us say again, for example, that
55 this Monday to Friday situation has got here 26, but now
56 for the summer period or for Christmas, especially in
57 Leicester, I would be looking for maybe 20 Monday to
58 Thursday, Monday to Friday staffing that 12.00 till 2.00
59 period. The decision I then make with the Manager or the
60 Supervisor is to say: "How do I find those additional