Day 156 - 17 Jul 95 - Page 14
1 obviously if we can have one break rather than two, it is
2 better, so what I suggest is we have 10 minutes now.
4 MS. STEEL: I was going to ask for longer than that.
6 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Right. You tell me how long?
8 MS. STEEL: 20 minutes.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will come back at ten two. I do not want
11 to quibble about a minute here or there. You have nearly
12 20 minutes then and you ought to be able to finish it
13 then. Then we will be absolutely confident, even with any
14 re-examination, that we will have a very early day and you
15 can concentrate on the rest of your preparation for
16 tomorrow. If you do genuinely want more, tell Mr. Riley
17 and he will telephone.
19 (Short Adjournment)
21 MS. STEEL: Just one thing about the delivery team: Were the
22 delivery team also solely and exclusively responsible for
23 bringing boxes out when they actually needed to be used or
24 was that just done by any crew?
25 A. Yes, that was done basically by a person who we would
26 put in a back room or anyone that was free.
28 Q. You mentioned in your evidence-in-chief about the training
29 plan and new crew would be accompanied by someone from the
30 training squad for two to three days, when they would have
31 the observation check list carried out. Then you went on
32 to say: "If they failed, they would then be retrained or
33 corrective coaching would take place until they did pass".
34 So, once they had taken the OCLs they got on with the job
35 themselves and, obviously, there would be someone on their
36 travel path and things like that, checking from time to
37 time but, basically, they would just get on the with job?
38 A. Yes, but as I have mentioned before, it is basically
39 once you have had two of these check lists done by two
40 different Managers then, yes, we would -- and they both
41 obviously passed, then they would basically be left to get
42 on with the job.
44 Q. Those two that were done, were they both done on the same
45 day or were they -----
46 A. No, it could be, you know, one on Monday, one on
47 Tuesday or one on Monday and one on the following Friday.
49 Q. Within a fairly short space of time?
50 A. That is correct, yes.
52 Q. The person on the training squad accompanying them, you
53 said that was for two to three days, so that was up to the
54 first OCL?
55 A. Yes, but also the way the training programme was
56 designed, that you start off with the easiest tasks and
57 move on to the complicated tasks and that would be,
58 I suppose, six months. So, initially, they would have the
59 observation check list done on them. If they passed that
60 and you left them on an area for two to three days on their