Day 161 - 24 Jul 95 - Page 06

     2   Q.   Do you have to work as hard as that any longer now that you
     3        are a franchisee?
     4        A.  Yes.  Initially, I do work.
     6   Q.   Do you now have a Manager of your own to run your
     7        restaurant?
     8        A.  Yes, I do.
    10   Q.   Do you remember in 1987 some television people coming to
    11        take a film in the Strand restaurant?
    12        A.  Yes, I do remember.
    14   Q.   Do you remember a lady, who I think was the researcher for
    15        that programme, that film, called Anne Tobin; do you
    16        remember her?
    17        A.  I do not remember her, no.
    19   Q.   Have you read the statement which she made for the purposes
    20        of this case?
    21        A.  Yes, I did.
    23   Q.   I am going to ask you, first of all, if I may, about the
    24        film itself -- not very many questions.  Have you seen the
    25        film recently?
    26        A.  Yes, I have.
    28   Q.   Have you read the transcript of it which we have?
    29        A.  Yes, I have.
    31   Q.   It shows, we are told, two restaurants -- one is the
    32        Strand, and one was the restaurant at Croydon -- in 1987.
    33        Obviously, I am not going to ask you any questions about
    34        the Croydon restaurant.  Did you recognise the Strand
    35        restaurant in that film?
    36        A.  Yes, I did.
    38   Q.   Tell me this:  generally, what impression did the film make
    39        on you in the picture that it presented of your restaurant
    40        in the Strand -- just generally?
    41        A.  Generally, looks too close and crowded.
    43   Q.   Too -----
    44        A.  Close, yes.  It is recorded closely, instead of being
    45        far and taking the whole picture of the restaurant or the
    46        kitchen or the front, from my observation.
    48   Q.   The angles were too narrow?
    49        A.  That is correct.
    51   Q.   Only a very few questions about it, Miss Anteneh.  There is 
    52        shown in it you, I think it is, giving a performance review 
    53        to somebody called Ade?
    54        A.  That is correct.
    56   Q.   Do you remember that?
    57        A.  Yes, I do.
    59   Q.   Do you have any comment about that particular performance
    60        review?

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