Day 171 - 11 Oct 95 - Page 09

     1   MR. RAMPTON:  It does not say that.
     3   MR. MORRIS:  It does say that in his note. I have written it
     4        down.
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Whose note?
     8   MR. RAMPTON:   A memo sent to Bath on this subject, critical
     9        of -----
    11   MR. MORRIS:   Oh, I am sorry about that.  Critical of other
    12        practices -- I did say last week that that applied to the
    13        store audit, not to the memo.
    15   MR. RAMPTON:  Again, I do not want to argue it now, but I need
    16        more specificity before I am willing to disclose a store
    17        audit which might contain some criticism which Mr. Logan
    18        was not (inaudible).  If Mr. Logan wants to say what
    19        criticism there are that he remembers, that is fine.
    20        Anyway, that is to argue it once again.
    22        There is no memo or letter from Head Office or Regional
    23        Office about Bath PR practices.  We cannot find number 6,
    24        though I would like to be able to, which is Mr. Olive's
    25        letter of complaint or resignation.  We will go on looking,
    26        but I am not very hopeful.
    28        My Lord, can I take, please, 7, 8, 10 and 11 together?
    29        I will come back to 9.  All I will tell your Lordship about
    30        9 is that we do have rap session note for 1993 and 1994.
    31        I do not agree to give discovery of those notes as matters
    32        presently stand.  That will mean that Mr. Morris will have
    33        to argue for those.  But, my Lord, can I tell you about 7,
    34        8, 10 and 11?
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You have them for 1993 and 1994?
    38   MR. RAMPTON:  I have some for 1993 and 1994; yes, we do have
    39        them.  We also have -- can I tell your Lordship what we do
    40        have?  It was taken in large part from what your Lordship
    41        suggested might be a good idea.  What we asked Bath to do
    42        was to find the last complete month before Mr. Logan left,
    43        which was November 1994, for which handwritten schedules
    44        had been made.  That was our first step.  We made no
    45        selection of the month, ourselves.  We simply said: "Look
    46        to see if you have a complete month of handwritten
    47        schedules in 1994"; and the last month for which they have
    48        a complete set of handwritten schedules is May 1994.  So
    49        what we then did, or what we did at the same time, was to
    50        say to Bath: "Please also send us" -- we said we do not 
    51        want the weekly time sheets, we do not want those, because 
    52        the clock card sheets which are produced on a daily basis 
    53        will tell your Lordship who worked how many hours on every
    54        single day of the week during that month.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just pause a moment.  So, for instance, there
    57        would be handwritten schedules -- can I pick it up from,
    58        say, the summer season of 1993 -- there would be the
    59        handwritten schedules, would there, for July, August and
    60        September 1993?

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