Day 175 - 18 Oct 95 - Page 05

     1        Sean Richards, 39D Rose French, 39E Sabina Iurilla and 39F
     2        Michelle Wetli.  If there is a lack of dividers, we will
     3        certainly supply them.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  39E, did you say?
     7   MR. RAMPTON:  E would be Sabina Iurillo, and 39F would be
     8        Michelle Wetli.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, thank you.  The other matter I wish to
    11        mention -- I mention it now in case it involves any
    12        additional work -- relates to the argument about meaning so
    13        far as the nutrition section is concerned, or, perhaps
    14        I should more precisely say, the defamatory meaning so far
    15        as that is concerned.  It would help me, Mr. Rampton --
    16        though, of course, it is entirely a matter for you -- if
    17        you felt able at some stage in your submissions, possibly
    18        early on, to set out what you say are the absolute
    19        essential principles with regard to meaning.
    21   MR. RAMPTON:  As a matter of law?
    23   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  It would be quite sufficient for my
    24        purposes if they were put quite shortly.  I think virtually
    25        all of them had been touched upon at some stage, though
    26        they may not all have been.  I have in mind, quite apart
    27        from anything in Skuse or Charleston, what I might describe
    28        as longstanding fundamentals, which you might argue, for
    29        instance, that you submit that I am not entitled to take
    30        account of any evidence when looking for the meaning.
    31        I can see you might say that what the author or publisher
    32        meant or may have meant is irrelevant to meaning.  I would
    33        like a little assistance on what I will call the bad wine
    34        point, because I remember -- I cannot remember what the
    35        case was -- that it is or may not be defamatory to say
    36        merely that someone sells bad wine.
    38   MR. RAMPTON:  Quite.  South Hetton Coal Company is the name of
    39        the case.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I would be grateful if you could help me with
    42        that.  When I say help me, the reason I mention it now is
    43        not only so that you have some time to prepare yourself --
    44        you may well be going to do it anyway -- but it crosses my
    45        mind that in making my ruling on what the meaning is for
    46        the purposes of this litigation of the nutrition part,
    47        I may have to set out certain principles, which I would
    48        then, unless there were further argument which made me
    49        change my mind, adhere to when deciding what the meaning
    50        was of other sections. 
    52        So, it occurred to me that it might be helpful to know now, 
    53        even if some of the principles are relevant to nutrition
    54        meaning, what the essential principles are and to have them
    55        canvassed in case they crop up in judging the meaning of
    56        other parts.  That is ------
    58   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, we were going to do that anyway.  So I am
    59        grateful for that indication.  What it means is that
    60        I shall feel easier about doing it whereas I was a bit

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