Day 177 - 26 Oct 95 - Page 14
1 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am sure Mr. Brindley-Codd has that very much
2 in mind, but I do not propose to say more than I very much
3 hope she can get them to you at or near the beginning of
4 the week Monday, 6th November.
6 MR. MORRIS: Of course, if the Plaintiffs intend to spend three
7 days or whatever cross-examining Sarah Ingliss, or up to
8 three days, we will extend -----
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is the last matter. Once she is here,
11 she can stay, can she, for three or four days?
13 MR. MORRIS: I do not know, because we were originally told that
14 cross-examination would be half a day.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think you should do your best to get in
17 touch with her as soon as possible and say that she may be
18 wanted for the first four days of that week.
20 MR. MORRIS: I know.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Then tell me if there is any problem about
23 that as soon as possible. Are there any other matters
24 before the legal argument?
26 MR. RAMPTON: I have nothing else.
28 MR. MORRIS: Just a couple of other matters, very small
29 matters. One is, just in case the court has not noticed
30 that Sarah Dunne -- our witness Sarah Baker is the
31 Sarah Dunne referred to in Keith Baker's statement. He
32 refers to a Sarah Dunne who was under 18 and worked past
33 the legal times. I cannot remember if I have mentioned it
34 before, but she avers what Keith Baker says in his
35 statement.
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Right. Thank you.
39 MR. MORRIS: They are both witnesses. The last matter is that
40 we have -- I do not know how helpful this is -- a film
41 biography of Peter Heller to add to his witness statement.
42 It is just like a CV, if you like. If I give one to each,
43 it should be put behind his statement. (Handed) It is in
44 German, but ---
46 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us leave it there for the moment.
48 MR. MORRIS: -- I will try and get it translated. The other
49 thing is, I did serve on the Plaintiffs a couple of
50 documents a few days ago regarding Phil Pearson -- if I can
51 just give them to the judge. (Handed) One is an extract
52 from the book that he wrote called Twilight Robbery and the
53 other one is about employment flows and turnover.
55 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do I put those behind the documents behind
56 his second statement?
58 MR. MORRIS: Yes, please. Actually, I think probably the best
59 place to put them is in the new employment bundle.