Day 182 - 02 Nov 95 - Page 18

     1        Mr. Morris' burden, if he wants to rely on documents.  It
     2        really is not a technical matter.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think the simplest way is just to ask
     5        Mr. Jenssen to read this letter through in English, and
     6        then we will be able to see.
     8   MR. RAMPTON:  I agree.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL: It will only take about three or four
    11        minutes.  (To the witness): Do not be worried if you have
    12        to pause and think about it.  It is not your responsibility
    13        that you are being asked to do this.  Just do your best,
    14        Mr. Jenssen.
    15        A.  Yes.  It says -----
    17   Q.   Loud and clear, please.
    18        A.  It says: "Protocol from a meeting of representatives of
    19        the kitchen closers, dated 6th September 1993.  Appearing
    20        for McDonald's Norway A/S, Martin Graham.  Appearing for
    21        the closers, Richard Y. Asante.  We were in agreement of
    22        the following points:  Working hours for kitchen closers
    23        will be from 24 to 8."
    25   MR. MORRIS:  Can you give the numbers?  That is 1.
    26        A.  Yes.  Well, no.  12 o'clock till 8.
    28   Q.   Sorry, the -----
    30   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Paragraph number 1.  Yes.
    31        A.  Point 1, yes.  Sorry.
    33        "2.  Kitchen closers will get a night extra of 40 per cent
    34        of regular crew wages which are at the time 66.90 kroner,
    35        between 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock, and in the hours after 6
    36        o'clock their wages will be the same as today, kroner 77.
    38        3.  Kitchen closers will have paid break and McDonald's
    39        will make sure that there are food and drinks available.
    40        Kitchen closers have the opportunity to eat McDonald's food
    41        before they start work.
    43        4.  There will be established time saving efforts in the
    44        restaurants.  For example, trash compactors, dishwashers,
    45        new soaps, which might change to a -- this might lead to a
    46        change in the working hours for kitchen closers.
    48        5.  The new wage between 24 -- between 1206 will be
    49        enforced by Monday, 13th September 1993.
    51        6.  None of the kitchen closers will be fired because of 
    52        the efforts that will be established in the restaurants. 
    54        7.  It was confirmed -- it was stated that the other
    55        working conditions are satisfactory.
    57        8.  A representative of the kitchen closers will be"  -----
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just pause a moment.  Yes.  Can you start 8
    60        again?

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