Day 185 - 07 Nov 95 - Page 24

     2   Q.   Were you worried that you thought he did not know what was
     3        going on?
     4        A.  I do not think -- I do not know if that is a proper
     5        word for it.  I mean, I thought he should know, but I was
     6        told not to say anything to anyone, so I did not.
     8   Q.   When you phoned people up on the Saturday, I think it was
     9         -- is that right ---
    10        A.  Yes.
    12   Q.   -- how many people did you phone?
    13        A.  Not very many.  I was at work on Saturday, like
    14        I worked, so I did not get a chance to talk to very many
    15        people.
    17   Q.   When did you phone people then -- when you got home?
    18        A.  Well, mostly Sunday, Sunday morning.
    20   MISS MORRIS:  Can I just ask something?
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    24   MS. STEEL:   Yesterday there was this discussion about the John
    25        Doe letter.  I do not know actually know whether it matters
    26        a lot, but I think you said that it sounded as though it
    27        was a standard form that was from that ----
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  I have noticed that -- it is more
    30        obvious on some than others, the shorter ones -- that May
    31        is in brackets, the address in brackets, phone number in
    32        brackets.  Then there are other things in brackets which
    33        are name and address, but they have been put in by the
    34        Labour Board because they have taken the name and address
    35        out.  But do you know what John Doe means?
    37   MS. STEEL:   No, I do not actually.  I mean, I gathered from the
    38        context -----
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Nowadays the modern equivalent is Joe Bloggs,
    41        but in Medieval times or many hundreds of years ago "John
    42        Doe" was taken as the fictitious name of someone involved
    43        in legal proceedings as we talk about Joe Bloggs now or the
    44        equivalent.  So, I had understood a John Doe letter was one
    45        which was in a standard form.
    47        What I wanted to know, whether the standard form was just
    48        that you put your name here, your address here and your
    49        phone number here, but it became apparent from
    50        Miss Iurilla's evidence that there was more to it than 
    51        that, because she said that the John Doe letter had those 
    52        matters and then the introductory words down to the word 
    53        "because", whereafter it was not any longer a John Doe
    54        letter, it was a Sabina Iurilla letter, or whoever.
    56   MS. STEEL:   It was just that yesterday you said something like
    57        it sounded to you as though it was a standard form from the
    58        NLRB, and I was not sure from that whether you were saying
    59         -----

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