Day 187 - 13 Nov 95 - Page 10
1 MR. MORRIS: Can I just ask one question: are you a qualified
2 translator?
6 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. Thank you.
8 MR. MORRIS: I think the best thing is if Mr. Lamti has a copy
9 of his statement in French in front of him. Can you ask
10 him if he has a copy of his statement in French?
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes -- pale blue bundle III. I think,
13 Mr. Riley, if you do not mind sitting up there for the time
14 being, you can hand it over. Can you find divider
15 number 9, please; and if Miss Scutcher looks in the loose
16 bundle on the table and finds Mr. Lamti's original
17 statement at A1 and her improved translation at A.
19 MR. MORRIS: The statement I served this morning is clearer, the
20 copy is clearer; and it is probably best to stick to that,
21 in any event. Is it necessary to read out the original
22 French statement?
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No. What I suggest you do, Mr. Morris, is
25 ascertain that the French original is the statement made by
26 Mr. Lamti, ask him if it is true, and then we will discuss
27 what you want to do next.
29 MR. MORRIS: Right. (To the witness): Is the statement you are
30 looking at your original statement made for the purposes of
31 this case?
32 A. Yes.
34 Q. Is it the truth?
35 A. Yes.
37 Q. I will read out the English translation.
39 "In 1990, I was promoted to the post of Zone Manager, a
40 position I occupy today. In 1992, the Manager of the
41 restaurant called me to his office and told me that I had
42 been designated as staff rep, to my great surprise.
43 I asked him what that consisted of, and he replied that
44 this role was only to convince the official inspectors that
45 a staff rep existed and to give them pre-prepared
46 statements made by the Manager to the inspectors. What my
47 job consisted of, in reality, was to take care of the light
48 bulbs and fixtures."
50 Can I ask him to clarify that last line? Can you ask him
51 to clarify what he means?
52 A. My employer did not want to inform me what was the real
53 role of the staff representative. At that time, he
54 informed me that the role of the staff representative was
55 to look after the lights and the neon bulbs, and to inform
56 him if any of those were not working.
58 Q. OK. "Some months after my becoming rep, the restaurant
59 employees brought my attention to a number of problems in
60 the Company around working conditions and payslips. I then