Day 191 - 24 Nov 95 - Page 04
2 Q. Right. "There was also a lot of fuss made about my
3 insistence of putting the incident in the Accident Book.
4 The Accident Book was locked away in the Manager's office
5 drawer. Miss Farrington took out proceedings against
6 McDonald's, and before it went to court they agreed an out
7 of court settlement.
9 "Referring back to being clocked out by Cassy" -- that was
10 the incident just before Christmas that you referred to on
11 the first page -- "when we complained to the Area
12 Supervisor a Mr. Terry Eagle" -----
13 A. "We complained to the Supervisor". Sorry about that.
14 It should have been a full stop and then another sentence,,
15 or a comma and -----
17 Q. Right, sorry. "When we complained, the Area Supervisor, a
18 Mr. Terry Eagle, was brought in. When we told him that we
19 would take further action, he asked us what did we have in
20 mind. When we told him that we would go to a union,
21 he said that it would do no good at all, as all that
22 McDonald's would do is shut up shop for a while, just like
23 they did in Australia when they started their own union."
25 So this was what Mr. Eagle said to you. Had you ever heard
26 anything about a store being closed due to members, crew
27 members, joining a union, previously?
28 A. No.
30 Q. So that was the first time you had ever heard of that?
31 A. Yes.
33 Q. Right. "He also said that it would not happen again,
34 referring to the clocking out."
36 Was that the first occasion when Mr. Eagle had said
37 anything about the close shift and clocking out on the
38 close shifts?
39 A. He had been in before, I suppose; a couple of weeks
40 before, I suppose, he had been in. He said that we were
41 over running on the time. They are allowed times for that
42 particular shift. We were the worst one out of the whole
43 lot -- I think his words were.
45 Q. Right. In your opinion, would you have been able to
46 complete the shift any faster, the close shift?
47 A. Not without more crew members, no ---
49 Q. Right.
50 A. -- or access to the machinery that we were supposed to
51 be using.
53 Q. Sorry, what do you mean by that?
54 A. In a room in the stores there was a floor cleaner,
55 floor scrubber/cleaner.
57 Q. A machine?
58 A. Machine. We had been trained in its use, but we were
59 never allowed to use it. We were told that it is cheaper
60 and quicker to use a mop and bucket and the hand scrubbers.