Day 191 - 24 Nov 95 - Page 10

     2   MR. RAMPTON:  Which is not the same answer as "I knew I could
     3        not", which is perhaps -----
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  There we are.  All I am saying is, I do not
     6        want anyone to assume that I assumed that Mr. Baker did
     7        have a right to go to the tribunal because his wife did,
     8        because I do not know.  It occurs to me that the fact she
     9        was pregnant might have made some difference.  Whether that
    10        is right or not, I do not know.
    12   MR. RAMPTON:  We will tell your Lordship in due course what the
    13        position is, as a matter of law ---
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, very well.
    17   MR. RAMPTON:  -- or we will suggest that it is, anyway.
    19   THE WITNESS:  Excuse me.  She was not my wife at the time.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No. We gather that.
    23   THE WITNESS:  OK.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not want to ask any more personal
    26        questions, but you were close friends at that time, were
    27        you?
    28        A.  Yes.
    30   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, there is only one other thing which
    31        I want to mention today.
    33   MR. MORRIS:  I do not know if the witness wants to stay.  Could
    34        we have five minutes just to talk to him?
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest, Mr. Baker, sit down in one of
    37        the rows at the back.
    39   MR. MORRIS:  What I mean is, if he wants to leave, we would like
    40        to have a chat with him before he leaves.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not suppose we will be here very much
    43        longer.   If Mr. Baker waits there, as soon as I rise, you
    44        can talk to him.
    46                        (The witness withdrew)
    48   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, what I have to say should not take very
    49        long.  It relates to the evidence of Mr. Coton.  I raise it
    50        in front of your Lordship with a great deal of reluctance, 
    51        really. 
    53   MR. MORRIS:  I can inform the court about what is happening, if
    54        that would help.
    56   MR. RAMPTON:  I am obliged -- because Mr. Brindley-Codd had a
    57        conversation with Mr. Morris yesterday evening about this,
    58        after your Lordship had risen, in which Mr. Morris said
    59        that he had the information from Mr. Coton that we
    60        requested and that he was not decided whether or not we

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