Day 191 - 24 Nov 95 - Page 09
2 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you want to ask any further questions?
4 MR. MORRIS: No further questions.
6 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Thank you, Mr. Baker. Will you sit down for
7 a moment?
9 Mr. Rampton, I had not really turned my mind to the
10 question of Miss Baker's unfair dismissal application.
11 But, if a point is to be taken on it, what is the
12 explanation? I remember she was pregnant.
14 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, she was.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It may be that that creates a special
17 situation, but she certainly had not been employed for the
18 qualifying period.
20 MR. RAMPTON: I do not know what the legal position is.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It occurs to me the reason may be that, just
23 as you do not have to have a two year qualification period
24 if you are dismissed for trade union activities, so you may
25 not if your dismissal is alleged to relate to being
26 pregnant, because there are specially protected rules in
27 relation to matters such as that.
29 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, it may well be.
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The only reason I raise it -- because I do
32 not know the answer -- it may be that she had a right to go
33 to the industrial tribunal, being pregnant, which
34 Mr. Baker, for very obvious reasons, did not have.
36 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, that -----
38 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you see -- neither of them having built up
39 the ordinary two year qualification.
41 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I am not sure it makes any particular
42 difference in the light of the answers I have had in
43 cross-examination.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, it may or may not do.
47 MR. MORRIS: With respect, I do not see how it can do, because
48 Mr. Rampton made his allegations, whatever they were, and
49 the witness denied them. So -----
51 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I appreciate that. But in case Mr. Rampton
52 is going to argue that the witness must have known he had a
53 right to go to the tribunal, but chose not to do so for
54 some reason, I am just querying whether that is the correct
55 assumption.
57 MR. RAMPTON: I think he said he was not bothered, actually.
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No. That would not surprise me, quite
60 frankly,