Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 06
1 per cent?
2 A. Less than 30 per cent.
4 Q. Over the top of the page we have got less than 14 per cent
5 for crew labour?
6 A. Yes.
8 Q. That is what you were being told do to do?
9 A. This is what we were told were the targets that we had
10 to beat. Then it actually breaks down into some of the
11 other categories and actually gives a pound figure as
12 opposed to a percentage.
14 Q. OK. I will not go into those details. On 24 in the
15 middle: "Floor control must be more aggressive". Can we
16 just note that? Was aggression part of the management
17 style?
18 A. Yes, it was always an aggressive environment. There
19 would be lots of shouting, running about.
21 Q. We cannot really read 26 very well. The third line of
22 summary contents says something about, "First Assistants
23 needs to be aggressive, a right-hand man to the Manager".
24 Is that how you saw what you were being told to do?
25 A. First Assistant, basically, runs the store when the
26 Manager is not there and assists him with it. Basically,
27 I was always regarded as being a little bit soft in the
28 way that I dealt with people and I was always told to
29 sharpen up and be more aggressive.
31 Q. I will move quickly on. Can we just note on page 29 at
32 the top of the page under Holding Times and Rotations:
33 "Sometimes holding times are not adhered to". We may
34 note as we go through that this is a theme that goes
35 throughout the entire period that you worked at
36 McDonald's. Is that something which backs up what you
37 were saying before about holding times?
38 A. Under pressure not to actually throw the food away so
39 there would be over holding of products.
41 Q. And people at higher levels were aware of that all the
42 time?
43 A. People were aware of it. Obviously, it was something
44 we were not supposed to do but everyone was aware that it
45 happened.
47 Q. The only other point on that page, page 29, it says under
48 Service Times: "Generally not a problem, but hustle must
49 be improved", so it was not just the production areas; it
50 was always the service areas as well?
51 A. Yes, we had very strict times on service, how quick a
52 person had to be served within a restaurant.
54 Q. On page 30 at the very bottom under "Profit" which you
55 said were targets or maximums, under "Controllables" it
56 says: "Food, paper, linen - poor, OPs, labour - improving
57 M", I do not know what that is, "creeping up too high".
58 What is the message that you were being given there?
59 A. Being blatantly told that the way I was actually
60 controlling those areas was not good enough and to get