Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 18

       1      particular time.  Consequently, leading up to this, this
       2      performance review I had been to be the doctor under --
       3      because I was getting pressurized, I felt pressured, that
       4      type of thing, so I was actually feeling the strain of the
       5      job quite considerably at this stage.
       7 Q.   To such an extent that you went to see the doctor?
       8      A.  I went to the doctor over it, yes, for stress related
       9      stuff.
      11 Q.   Then it says on, page 60, under:  "Profit & Loss.  The
      12      second six-months have been a struggle financially.
      13      Labour" -- what is that?  Is that half month ---
      14      A.  Yes, what we would do is -----
      16 Q.   -- "figures not attained twice", can you explain that?
      17      A.  At the beginning of each month we would actually
      18      project what we were going to do against target, so I
      19      would project, if I would say the target was set at 14 per
      20      cent and I would say I would do 13.8; what that means is
      21      by the end of the month I have not actually achieved what
      22      I said I would do.  I have actually gone over what I said
      23      I would for that month.
      25 Q.   At the bottom it says -- this is Mark Davis, is it --
      26       "Excellent food, paper and labour costs have been
      27      replaced by average figures".  Is there anything wrong
      28      with having average figures?
      29      A.  Not when you have had excellent figures -- they want
      30      excellent figures all the time.
      32 Q.   Actually, the next page on point 4 at the bottom it says:
      33       "Adrian Brett passed his BOC exam and is generally a good
      34      example".  Just move on and note that.  Again on 62, point
      35      3, in the middle of the page:  "You have an excellent
      36      attitude and wish to do well".  Note that.  Then I cannot
      37      remember if we actually -- we have not got the full field
      38      but on page 63 at the top, point 3, These were the review
      39      of previous goals and objectives.  "No Cs/yes Bs".  Does
      40      that mean that in your full field you actually did not
      41      have any Cs or below?
      42      A.  No, what it is relating to there is we came out with B
      43      grades.
      45 Q.   So although he is telling you you are having a bad few
      46      month, you are still getting Bs grades or above.
      47      A.  Still achieve overall B grade.
      49 Q.   In all areas?
      50      A.  It would have been -----
      52 Q.   It says "no Cs" so there would not have been any Cs in the 
      53      full field, at the top of the page?
      54      A.  Yes, I cannot -- what he is saying there is it would
      55      say we have got all Bs.
      57 Q.   Bs or above?
      58      A.  Bs or above, yes.
      60 Q.   There is a memo on page 65 ----

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