Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 24

       1      after the customer in terms of quality, service and
       2      cleanliness.  These basics have serious failings in
       3      Colchester at times".  Do you agree with that?  This was
       4      under Mark Davis.
       5      A.  There were times when they were not as they should
       6      have been under both Managers, myself and Mr. Davis.
       8 Q.   "These basics have serious failings in Colchester at times
       9       - the night with inadequate lobby cover, no attention to
      10      quality and poor standards of cleanliness".  On page 32:
      11      "Goals and objectives for Mark Davies, 27th January
      12      1986.  (1) To ensure that you fully understand the
      13      financial side of your job and to control your expenditure
      14      to meet and exceed the Company budget every month".  Did
      15      that equally apply to you when you were Store Manager?
      16      A.  Exactly the same.
      18 Q.   On page 23 now which is the October 1986, "Audit", I
      19      presume these ones are being done by Frank Stanton, are
      20      they, at this time?  It is on the first page it is being
      21      done by Frank Stanton, yes?  It says page 23, yes, the
      22      first one:  "Checks raw/finished product.  Comment:
      23      Assistants must be aware of back door and productions bin
      24      quality."  So, production bin quality, would that be as
      25      regards whether some food is turning up in under-cooked
      26      form or not?
      27      A.  That would be ensuring that, being aware that the food
      28      that was actually going to be passed to the customers.  I
      29      mean, from the production, the actual next step is the
      30      customer, so maintaining the standard that it was of the
      31      standard that it had to be.
      33 Q.   You must be aware of that quality?
      34      A.  Yes.
      36 Q.   So Mark Davis must have been aware -----
      38 MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, you cannot ------
      40 MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I really am getting a slightly troubled
      41      by this.  Mr. Morris is going through performance reviews
      42      done on Mark Davis by somebody else.  Mr. Coton was not
      43      present at the time.  He does not know what passed between
      44      the two gentlemen.  He does not know what Mr. Stanton
      45      meant by what he said.  He is feeding Mr. Coton an
      46      interpretation of his, Mr. Morris'.   It really is
      47      intolerable.
      49 MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If I were you, I would leave Mr. Davis'
      50      file.  It is in now, so you can refer to it and, in so for
      51      as it is part of your case, to say:  "Mr. Davis himself
      52      was put under the same pressures as he put Mr. Coton 
      53      under" in support of your claim, in so far as it matters,
      54      that what went on under Mr. Coton had been going on under
      55      Mr. Davis, then you can do that as a matter of comment.
      56      If there is an application to recall Mr. Davis and if I
      57      grant that application, you can actually cross-examine him
      58      about any matters which are important.  But there you are.
      60 MR. MORRIS:  OK.  I will just look through and pick out

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