Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 23

       1 Q.   OK.  So you said, did you not -- is that what happened
       2      under Mark Davis as well?
       3      A.  Yes.
       5 Q.   On page 35, the end of the third line:  "On a day-to-day
       6      basis cleanliness is often very poor with even the most
       7      basic projects and areas being missed".  Then at the next
       8      paragraph it says:  "The amount of work required to get
       9      the grade on your full field was enormous which raised the
      10      question what was the grade before the blitz clean up?"
      11      That further backs up what you said?
      12      A.  Again, it was something that went through the store
      13      from the whole time I was there.
      15 Q.   Page 29 is the next one, which is 27th January 1986, under
      16      "Financial", it says:  "Historically, the store has a
      17      poor track record in terms of your controls and profit
      18      after controllables.  The next paragraph says:  "I expect
      19      you now to take heed of the advice and training I have
      20      given you.  This must take the form of far greater
      21      attention to scheduling, petty cash expenditure reacting
      22      to high food costs and monitoring your outside services".
      23      Were you aware at that time of what Supervisors were
      24      saying to the Store Manager?
      25      A.  Yes, I mean, at this time I was actually, as the
      26      Assistant Manager, would actually be trained up in these
      27      things, so I would be aware of what was going on because
      28      it would then being made aware to me of what we had to do
      29      and what we had to achieve.  So, from an early time the
      30      way the pressure was brought on from above was very
      31      obvious to me.
      33 Q.   Then the next paragraph it says:  "I think that in the
      34      past ... ", forget the next paragraph -- I do not know, it
      35      says:  "I think that in the past problems such as
      36      excessive waste disposal charges", then in the next
      37      paragraph, second line, it says:  "Waste is high".  What
      38      does all that mean?
      39      A.  That relates to -- at that particular time, it would
      40      be the actual waste that was taken away from the
      41      restaurant.  We were using a certain company and the
      42      charges were extremely high at that time, not so much
      43      waste as food in producing waste, but the overall waste as
      44      in rubbish that was being taken away for the bins.
      46 Q.   The next paragraph near the bottom of it, second to last
      47      sentence, ends up saying:  "Is there too much lettuce and
      48      onions being ordered?"  Does that give you any indication
      49      of what the problem was?
      50      A.  Well, that could possibly relate to the fact that if
      51      we were overordering, it has either been used and not
      52      thrown away or it is being thrown away and wasted.  It 
      53      could be two things there.
      55 Q.   Does that relate to what you have already said about
      56      lettuce and onions being used -----
      57      A.  Continue being used, yes.
      59 Q.   I do not want to go into all the details of this.  On the
      60      next page, page 30, it says:  "Operations is about looking

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