Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 26

       2 MS. STEEL:   It is opposite "Holding times".
       4 MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, I have got that.
       6 MR. MORRIS:  At the bottom of page 23 under "Additional
       7      comments.  Correct top of yields equals maximum
       8      profitability, not comprising standards".
      10 MR. RAMPTON:  "Compromising".
      12 MR. MORRIS:  "Not compromising" -- it says "comprising".  Page
      13      24:  "Adequate crew size" on the left under "Sales",
      14       "still suffers from more than 35 hours by too many
      15      crew".  At the bottom under "Food costs" under "Profit":
      16      "Has erred on the extravagant side".  25, middle of the
      17      page:  "Full field CSVR.  Full field showed a lot of
      18      deficiencies in operation".  Then:  "Additional comments,
      19      Colchester's profitability could be increased by diligent
      20      cost controls and budgeting.  Steady results with no
      21      fluctuations.  Food less than 30 per cent, paper less than
      22      4 per cent, labour less than 13.5 per cent", etc.
      24      26, middle of the page under heading "Scheduling", on the
      25      left, "Daily excess hours."  On page 28 under "Special
      26      goals", point 3, "Profit" -- I cannot quite read this --
      27      "hope" or "have" -- "have business controls, hit 33 to 34
      28      per cent PAC".
      30 MR. JUSTICE BELL:  "Hone business", is it?
      32 MR. MORRIS:  "Hone business controls hit", I presume this is a
      33      goal, "hit 33 to 34 per cent PAC through professional
      34      business acumen".  Then it says under:  "Additional
      35      comments.  Your goals should polish the store.  At present
      36      it is the rough diamond of the store".  That is the
      37      special goals.  "Demand more from Ray".  This is Frank
      38      Stanton telling Mark Davis.
      40      Then the next one is the Annual Review page 19 of
      41      September 1987.  Then if we just note on page 21 under
      42      "other", the last point:  "Get more crew on board".  In
      43      1988, this is page 16, April 1988, last sentence under the
      44      introduction:  "Inroads have been made" -- sorry, "Your
      45      previous performance review on 13.9.87 targeted into
      46      certain main areas, namely, quality, service, cleanliness,
      47      management development, marketing and profitability.
      48      Inroads have been made in these areas yet major flaws
      49      still persist in each and every category".
      51      Under "Marketing", the last line:  "Out of all the main
      52      points brought out in your review in August, this one is 
      53      your weakest area".  I just bring that out to show how it
      54      was still a theme when Mr. Stanton was Manager -- sorry,
      55      Mr. Coton was Manager.
      57 MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, Mr. Coton was Manager.  This is Mr. Davis'
      58      Supervisor and he was assessed by Mr. Tim Taylor.
      60 MR. MORRIS:  I am sorry, yes, you are actually right.

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