Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 27
2 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The last one done you referred me to was
3 just shortly after Mr. Davis had become Supervisor.
5 MR. MORRIS: Yes. So we are talking about the stores which he
6 had responsibility for at that time. That seems to be a
7 general problem about crew which is the one I referred to,
8 lack of crew numbers. Marketing seemed to be a
9 general -----
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Leave it there.
13 MR. MORRIS: Yes, I understand. On page 17, in the middle, in
14 the paragraph starting: "I see service in your stores as
15 a barrier to increases. Competition is springing up in
16 the marketplace. We must be faster, slicker and better in
17 all departments. Hustle must be evidenced not only in the
18 lunch time and tea times but throughout all trading
19 times".
21 Then in the next paragraph, the fifth line: "Numerous
22 times I have seen grills going black ... inconsistent
23 colours when toasting buns, dispensers not dispensing
24 properly, drinks looking weak" etc. Then it says on page
25 18 at the top: "Profits. An area in which you have
26 started to make good progress. All stores will make money
27 this year with no exception".
29 Then moving on to page 30 -- this is the performance
30 review -- it has "1611" on it, I believe that is 1988. It
31 is clearly 1988. If we note point 2 in the middle:
32 "Training Managers must be given two days off a week".
33 That relates to what Mr. Coton said. Under "Hiring" it
34 says -- this is the last but one paragraph -- "Hiring you
35 had to be pushed into. As you have now found out, people
36 do not wander into your stores and request jobs. You have
37 to go out and canvas for employees. You have been slow to
38 react and have allowed numbers to drop not only as regards
39 Managers but also crew".
41 Over the page -- this is quite an important page -- page
42 14: "This compares the stores", which presumably Mark
43 Davies has control over, "Ipswich, Clacton and Colchester,
44 and it shows that Colchester achieved two Bs and an A for
45 quality, service and cleanliness", which was as good as if
46 not better than the other stores.
48 Then at the bottom it has the profit targets for all the
49 three stores and a budget for each of food, labour, travel
50 OPs, PAC and NOI, and the achievements against the
51 budgets.
53 Over the page on page 15 it has: "Mark Davis consolidated
54 YTD", year to date, which I will not read out, but it is
55 clear that he has his own budget targets for food and
56 labour for his stores and actually achieved results.
58 Then at the main paragraph in the middle of the page: "I
59 still believe that tenths can still be shaved off certain
60 areas saving money to be carried down to the bottom