Day 207 - 23 Jan 96 - Page 05

     1        A.  Yes, got the file here.
     3   Q.   If you go to tab 9, please?  Can I just ask you a
     4        question:  was one of the Managers cautioned for falsifying
     5        monthly profit and loss schedules -- do you remember
     6        anything like that -- or accounts, if you cast your mind
     7        back.
     8        A.  I remember -- I did not actually take part in the
     9        disciplinary procedures, so -- I remember an investigation
    10        of Alan Charlesworth as regards some month end stock
    11        accounts.  That is all I know.  I do not know what the
    12        conclusions were from that because I am not party to that.
    13        It is a personal -- it was a private and confidential
    14        matter.
    16   Q.   OK.  This one we have in front of us is Human Resources
    17        Evaluation Report, 12th October 1993.  I am just trying to
    18        skip through a great deal of this.  If you go to page 164,
    19        what is the importance of leaver questionnaires?
    20        A.  Basically, to ascertain why your crew are leaving.
    22   Q.   Right.
    23        A.  Be it some matter that they may have not, in the
    24        process of their resignation, disclosed in, perhaps, their
    25        letter or to the Manager personally, their reasons for
    26        leaving.
    28   Q.   Is this a strict policy of McDonald's that that has to be
    29        done?
    30        A.  I am not aware that it is laid down in absolute terms
    31        that they must fill them out.
    33   Q.   They do national leaver figures, do they not, based upon
    34        leaver questionnaires?
    35        A.  They do -- I am not aware if they do.
    37   Q.   Sorry.  They have been disclosed, so we have -----
    38        A.  Right.
    40   Q.   It has been discussed in court.  There are national figures
    41        on reasons for people leaving.  If you look at comment No.
    42        2 at the bottom of the page, it says:  "Leaver
    43        questionnaires available, but no evidence of use".  Do you
    44        recall that at the time?
    45        A.  It is in the audit, so -- I do not actually recall it
    46        myself, but -----
    48   Q.   You will accept what is in the audit as ---
    49        A.  Well, it does ------
    51   Q.   -- accurate? 
    52        A.  I would, yes, I would accept the fact that the audit 
    53        has been completed properly, so far as I am aware.
    55   Q.   Right.  If you look at page 167, we see here, under the
    56        "Comments", "Number of excessive entries for adjustment
    57        audit reports, but all are signed".  Was there a problem
    58        with excessive entries in adjustment audit reports that you
    59        recall; do you recall that?
    60        A.  As I say, I do not recall.  I did not actually carry

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