Day 207 - 23 Jan 96 - Page 06

     1        out the audit myself, but I just presumed that the document
     2        has been correctly carried out.
     4   Q.   Yes.  If you, for example, go to page 179 -- and this is in
     5        the  -----
     7   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can I just make a point on the documents? You
     8        obviously do not have to put everything -- I am not
     9        inviting you to do so -- but at some stage, in order to
    10        make your point, at the end of the case, if a witness has
    11        not actually looked at it, I invite you to make up a list
    12        of what you think are the most important entries which help
    13        you.  For instance, I have noticed two there.
    15   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, I was going to come on to them.
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am not inviting you to put it.  All I am
    18        doing is trying to help by saying that if at some stage you
    19        provide me a list of page references of things you rely on
    20        in documents like that, do you understand?
    22   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  Is it right that we will be able to go
    23        through these documents with Mr. Logan and point out
    24        anything of relevance?
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You can, if you like, or, subject to anything
    27        Mr. Rampton wants to say, you can at a later stage just
    28        give me your list of things like this which support -----
    30   MR. RAMPTON:  I think I said yesterday that Mr. Logan can only
    31        give evidence about documents in so far as he has direct
    32        knowledge of what is stated in them.  It is no good
    33        Mr. Morris making a speech through Mr. Logan any more than
    34        it is in cross-examination.  If Mr. Henden, for example,
    35        has said, well, he does not know but he assumes that what
    36        is written in these documents is correct, then it is a
    37        waste of time and all your Lordship needs, as your Lordship
    38        has said, is a list of passages on which the Defendants
    39         ------
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Can I demonstrate it in this way:  if,
    42        for instance, it were part of Mr. Logan's evidence that a
    43        young man called Paul Evans regularly worked late after
    44        12 midnight, and if there was difficulty with Mr. Logan
    45        getting that evidence out, it would be legitimate for you
    46        to say, "Look at page 167 in tab 9", and then help him, as
    47        it were, to his actual evidence.  But what is not fruitful
    48        is just using Mr. Logan as a conduit to refer to documents
    49        which speak for themselves (like the audit reports do) when
    50        you can just give me a list of references, because all you 
    51        are doing then is making arguments to me through Mr. Logan 
    52        which you can perfectly well do at the end of the day. 
    54   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  But, in reality -----
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I mean, what you are doing, in effect, is
    57        using Mr. Logan as the advocate in the witness box to just
    58        refer me to a document ---
    60   MR. MORRIS:  No.

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