Day 245 - 07 May 96 - Page 11

     2        You can certainly make the comment to me in due course.
     3        I am just querying how helpful it is to ask Mr. Preston
     4        about this.
     6   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  I think the word of Mr. Oakley's was "dumped"
     7        but I will not look it up.
     9        If in your Mcfact cards that you circulated to the public
    10        you put something in that is clearly not true, would you
    11        accept that that is a lie bearing in mind that you are ----
    12        A.  I do believe there is anything untrue. I think
    13        everything in there is true.
    15   Q.   But you do not know?
    16        A.  I believe everything in there is true.  I do know.
    18   Q.   I will just quote from the transcripts of Eddie Oakley.
    19        This came as a bit of surprise, I must admit, to me.  On
    20        Day 59, page 58, line 53, either Helen or I asked
    21        Mr. Oakley:
    23        "What happened to the separated waste that you managed to
    24        collect?
    26        Answer:  In Nottingham?
    28        Question:  Yes.
    30        Answer:  Nothing happened at that time because there was no
    31        infrastructure to deal with it.
    33        Question:  So you did not actually recycle any of it?
    35        Answer:  We were not able to."
    37        Then later we asked what happened to it and he said it was
    38        dumped, but I cannot find that bit.
    40        If Mr. Oakley can be believed, would you accept that what
    41        you have said in the Mcfact card was not true?
    42        A.  No, not without knowing all of what Ed had said and
    43        what else was involved.  I could not comment on that.
    45   Q.   The fact that McDonald's would know, so it is more than not
    46        true, is it not? It is a lie if you would know about your
    47        own activity.  You are misleading the public deliberately,
    48        are you not?
    49        A.  No, I am not.  There is no future in doing that.
    51   Q.   I think we have finished with bundle 2 now.  If you can go 
    52        to bundle 6 again.  Have you got number 6 out? 
    53        A.  I do.
    55   Q.   Thank you.  If you look at tab 97 that we were looking at
    56        before?
    57        A.  97, OK.
    59   Q.   If you look at the large paragraph in the centre, it reads:

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