Day 245 - 07 May 96 - Page 12

     1        "This is the Mcfact card number 3, 100 per cent pure beef.
     2          Dated 1990.
     4        All McDonald's beef comes from E.E.C. Approved European
     5        suppliers.  Every consignment of beef arriving at the meat
     6        plant is subject to a total of 36 separate quality control
     7        checks carried out by a team of qualified technologists.
     8        If a consignment should fail on any one check it will be
     9        rejected by McDonald's."
    11        That is what it says, yes?
    12        A.  Yes.
    14   Q.   We have heard from Mr. David Walker, who is the Managing
    15        Director of McKeys, that, for example, there was 3
    16        categories of bacterial contamination for raw beef
    17        consignments arriving at the plant and they were
    18        categorised as satisfactory, passable, and unsatisfactory.
    19        He said that unsatisfactory beef would still be used by the
    20        Company because it had already gone through.  It was an
    21        educational test or check.
    23   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  There was an awful lot more to it than that.
    25   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, but, effectively, unless, he said, it looked
    26        or smelt bad, it would go through.  What I am saying is
    27        that was ----
    29   MR. RAMPTON:  I am sorry, this is an exercise in apples and
    30        oranges.  With respect, it is absolutely hopeless. We are
    31        going to be here for weeks while Mr. Morris gives
    32        selective, and I have to say in this case, wholly
    33        misleading accounts of the evidence to the witness who has
    34        not got the transcript, and then asks, on that bogus
    35        premise, the witness a question.  It is absolutely
    36        hopeless.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If you want to put what a witness said,
    39        I must ask you to put the transcript.  You still face this
    40        problem, that Mr. Walker was not the only person who gave
    41        evidence on this and, at the end of the day, one of the
    42        tasks I am going to have to do is sort out where I have
    43        evidence from a number of different sources, different
    44        witnesses, different documents, in so far as a matter of
    45        fact is relevant to an issue, and I must decide what the
    46        facts are.
    48        The difficulty when you are putting it to Mr. Preston is he
    49        cannot have that overview of the evidence.  If he has read
    50        the transcripts and remembers it all, he has a much better 
    51        memory than I have.  You may be asking him for his comment 
    52        on what one witness has said in one place which is far from 
    53        the complete picture.
    55   MR. MORRIS:  I just assumed ----
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL: We have quite a lot of evidence about what
    58        "Unsatisfactory" meant and whether it actually meant that
    59        the food was in any way unfit to eat or whether it had
    60        other connotations.

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