Day 245 - 07 May 96 - Page 13

     2   MR. MORRIS: The point was it was one of the 36 separate quality
     3        control checks ----
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL: That may be another point but you are
     6        introducing ----
     8   MR. MORRIS:  The point is that if the Company is saying that if
     9        a consignment should fail on any one of those checks, it
    10        will be rejected by McDonald's.
    12        The point I am making is that Mr. Walker recognised that
    13        raw beef was classified as unsatisfactory, the worst
    14        category, if you like, that had arrived and been checked
    15        for bacterial ----
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just pause for a moment.  All that may or may
    18        not be so, but the last sentence of your answer was that
    19        he, that is Mr. Walker, Mr. David Walker, said that
    20        unsatisfactory beef would still be used by the Company
    21        because it had already gone through.  It was an educational
    22        test or check.
    24        That may or may not be what the evidence amounts to at the
    25        end of the day.  We have had evidence on that topic from
    26        more than one source.
    28   MR. MORRIS:  Right. (To the witness): The point I am putting to
    29        the witness is that it does not matter too much what the
    30        witness accepts or does not accept, whether the witness is
    31        correct or not correct.
    33        The point is if, at the end of the day, what Mr. Walker
    34        said, and what I have said he said is accurate, this
    35        statement in your Mcfact card would be a lie, would it not,
    36        because you would know that it is not true?
    37        A.  The Mcfact sheet is true.  In terms of what Mr. Walker
    38        said or did not say, I certainly cannot take one sentence
    39        out of context of -- I assume he was here for several days
    40        talking about the subject as gospel on the topic.  Nothing
    41        that is not correct for human consumption goes through a
    42        McDonald's restaurant.  That is a fact.
    44   Q.   But that consignments of beef arriving at the Milton Keynes
    45        Meat Plant subject to a total of 36 separate quality
    46        control checks, some of those checks can be failed and the
    47        consignments would still go through, would they not?
    48        A.  No.
    50   Q.   If I just read an extract from the transcript. 
    52   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Give the reference, please? 
    54   MR. MORRIS:  Day 79.  It is 27th January 1995.  On Day 79, line
    55        42, Mr. Walker was questioned by Helen again:
    57        "Question:  What actually happens to the combo of meat?"
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Which page again?

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