Day 245 - 07 May 96 - Page 17

     1        best for you", it says:  "Every time you eat at McDonald's
     2        you will be eating good nutritious food"?
     3        A.  We say that and much, much more.
     5   Q.   Yes, I know you do.  We can accept that that is what you
     6        are saying, the Company is saying.
     7        A.  Am I finished with this one?.
     9   Q.   Yes.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Keep it there for the moment.
    13   MR. MORRIS:  Mr. Beavers accepted that McDonald's advertised
    14        their food as nutritious and Edward Oakley was asked about
    15        the guy who was responsible for doing those guides and was
    16        asked what nutritious meant in the guide, and he said
    17        "foods that contain nutrients".  When asked if he could
    18        think of a food that did not contain nutrients, he did not
    19        really know of anything but he said, "You can put up an
    20        argument for black coffee or black tea or mineral water"
    21        and he defended Coca Cola and said, "Yes, that could be
    22        nutritious".
    24        David Green, who was a Senior Vice President of Marketing
    25        USA, said he thought"Coca Cola was nutritious because it
    26        was providing water and I think that is part of a balanced
    27        diet".
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL: That must be one thousandth of the evidence
    30        I have heard on nutrition.
    32   MR. MORRIS:  I understand that.  The point I am saying is that
    33        although it is a matter of opinion in that leaflet about
    34        your food: "Every time you eat at McDonald's you will be
    35        eating good nutritious food", effectively it is a lie, is
    36        it not?
    37        A.  No, it is not a lie.  You are telling such a small part
    38        of what is said in that leaflet it defies description..
    39        There is a much, much bigger store than one sentence out of
    40        a, I do not know, 5 or 6-page document.
    42   Q.   But that is a clear statement, is it not: "Every time you
    43        eat at McDonald's you will be eating good nutritious food"?
    44        A.  It is one statement ----.
    46   Q.   And it turns out that what "nutritious" means is "contains
    47        nutrients", so you are effectively conning the public, are
    48        you not?
    49        A.  No, I am not.
    51   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, if Mr. Morris is suggesting that 
    52        "nutritious" means something different from that which 
    53        contained nutrients and is accusing the witness of lying to
    54        the public, he should propose to the witness what
    55        "nutritious" actually does mean.  It might help.
    57   MR. MORRIS:  Would you accept that a definition of "nutritious"
    58        that would be helpful would be "conveys a sense of a
    59        healthy product that is not dilatorious to one's physical
    60        well being.  Specifically a product that is nutritious and

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